Example sentences of "and [adv prt] through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was anxious at the long absence of her visitor , and at the voices , her mother 's voice in particular , sounding on and on through the afternoon .
2 Away from the prying eyes of the world , the newlyweds sailed the Aegean and Ionian Seas and on through the Suez Canal .
3 Only when it has been chewed up almost to a liquid can the food pass through the rumen , and on through the gut .
4 While the British army was , the French hoped , hurrying north to cope with this initial attack , the same warships — here lay the originality of the plan — would sail north-about round Scotland and down through the North Sea to Ostend .
5 This opens up a directory browser so that you can navigate across the disks and down through the directory structure to find the program you want ( in this case QFTD.EXE ) .
6 Of course , Therese would look ridiculous in the part — nothing they could do about that , a boy 's costume was a boy 's costume — but the voice , that electrifying voice rippling up and down through the registers without effort .
7 Second , once a strategy has been formulated , its impact on industrial relations in the enterprise depends on how it is transmitted into and down through the organization .
8 There was a cry , followed shortly by a pounding of feet past the trench and down through the orchard , then silence , except for a rumble of artillery somewhere in the distance .
9 Nails spun the mini through the traffic , heading out of town , flicking up and down through the gears as if he did it every day .
10 In short , how is the cost-cutting imperative to be transmitted to and down through the railway organizations ?
11 and we went in from the end and er down the pitch and in through the saw the physio room and the , the changing room , baths upstairs saw the trophy .
12 It was quicker to go direct to Jamaica Road and along through the railway arch to Bermondsey Market , but Nellie made the detour purposely .
13 She poked again — dug right down to the bottom and up through the shambles came something that signalled with painful clarity .
14 It took him two days , making three journeys a day — down the slippery path through the forest , then a mile along the river-bank , across the permanent bridge and up through the fields to the village .
15 This walk takes you through the Whinlatter Forest and up through the trees to the top of Grisedale Pike at 2,593ft .
16 This often means using it ‘ reverse flow ’ — that is with water pumped down the uplift and up through the gravel , thereby keeping the gravel cleaner and less clogged than ‘ standard flow ’ systems where detritus is sucked into the gravel .
17 Water is sucked through and around charcoal-impregnated filter sponges into the undergravel plate and up through the gravel .
18 Taking a deep breath , Terry nodded , and as though she too had forgotten Ellie she walked slowly towards her brother and out through the door .
19 Not like the old one — bottle of pink medicine and out through the door before you can say knife … ’
20 In the darkness , we padded across the dank , wet velvet floor and out through the kitchen wall into a street whose hollow buildings leaned outwards .
21 ‘ We 'll go down the back way , ’ Nanny told her , ‘ and out through the kitchen gardens . ’
22 The first people in each team place the keys down their neck and out through the bottom of their trouser legs or slacks .
23 Plenty of motor cars went in and out through the Pembroke and Gillingham Gates but it has not been suggested that there was any real night-time disturbance from traffic using the dockyard .
24 Then Williams , swinging wildly from the backstay , kicked the boom forward and out through the webbing strops attaching the mainshet to it .
25 It grew until it was a window and out through the window she could see down a long tunnel ; and beyond that the sun shining and the mountains rising over the fruit trees .
26 Using a skewer , make two holes in the carrot by pushing it in one side and out through the other .
27 We had crowd-flow blockages , insufficient refreshment facilities , no VIP entrance , no security check until people were in the main auditorium , and no way to get backstage except by walking right through the main meeting , up the stairs onto the stage and out through the back — with everybody watching !
28 The man sat down in his seat and the bullets went above the seats , all along the plane , and out through the roof .
29 And in a second he was under the Man 's arm and out through the cage door , free and gliding over towards the fence by the benches .
30 Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth , slowly , rhythmically .
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