Example sentences of "and [vb -s] up [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It removes the need for G-cramps and battens for many tasks , and speeds up repetitive jobs .
2 An outstanding example of this type of narrative is Vargas Llosa 's Conversation in the Cathedral , which pivots around a four-hour conversation between two characters , the whole novel being made up of dialogue and narrative units generated in waves by the central conversation , as the two men 's review of their past lives sparks off inner thoughts and recollections and conjures up other conversations and dramatized episodes .
3 So in Scout 's case , her innocence leads her through her childhood and because she is too young to understand fully the barrier between the different races she lives among , she is saved from the emotional torments other people suffer , but in Perk 's case her innocence leads her straight into a very touchy emotional situation and ends up suffering death , too young to understand why .
4 Brand B sells at £75 per month and takes up 7 metres of space .
5 Brand A sells at £150 per month and takes up 10 feet of shelf space .
6 Brand C sells at £39 per month and takes up 13 metres of space .
7 Brand D sells at £315 per month and takes up 20 feet of space .
8 The political-economic structures behind the range of choices is the next necessary analytical step and opens up wider concerns at the local , national and international level .
9 DataServe for VME , the base software product , provides what is basically a remote procedure call mechanism for VME , and opens up corporate data stored on ICL 's IDMSX mainframe data stores to different environments .
10 Zoe goes for it and plucks up some courage while Leonard asserts himself and makes a decision .
11 He grins at the effect he has produced , and picks up more cheese crumbs on his finger .
12 The sea breeze blows in Enfant-Béate and turns the tropical heat to balm of an evening , it stirs the jade-like waxy foliage above the elephantine trunk and picks up these entreaties made by islanders who come here with their offerings : the tack or nail , made of tin or brass or iron or copper , supplied by the goods store at sharp expense , one of the manufactures that are sent from the mother country in return for sugar .
13 If you have a low income and no more than £8,000 savings , you may qualify for Income Support , which is paid weekly and tops up any Income you have to a level set by the Government .
14 Hot water from the boiler passes through the hot cylinder , and heats up stored water that is then fed to the hot taps .
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