Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [pron] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 So takes it up and knits it on the back .
2 For example , the snake uses its forked tongue to gather scent particles from the air and tastes them on a special membrane , called Jacobson 's organ , at the back of its mouth .
3 He brings the teddy bear and sits it on the windowsill where it can watch us .
4 This corkscrews the opponent backwards over his supporting leg and dumps him on the mat .
5 At Skouriotissa a bulldozer scoops up ancient slag and dumps it on a new road .
6 Often the wonderful natural natural story-teller in Walker breaks through the marshmallow and has us on the edge of the chair , but finally and lamentably this is a failure .
7 The leader then calls for items , and the first person from one of the teams brings the article and places it on the chair .
8 The literary text may negotiate with its containment ( as Shakespeare 's do ) , but its contemporary subversive force has been compromised by the political dominance of state power which excludes it from the centre and places it on the margins of socially sanctioned institutions .
9 She sees through his unctuous manners to his black-hearted designs , and shoots him on the spot , but it too late , and she is surrounded by Kuomintang forces .
10 Then the older one bends over the younger and kisses him on the lips , hastily and shyly .
11 He fears , as this moving tableau blots out his view , that she does not want to look at him but , then , just as he is allowing himself this painful thought , she turns and kisses him on the eyes before taking his cock in her mouth .
12 She takes his face between her hands and kisses him on the lips .
13 It collects light over its area and concentrates it on a smaller area of retina .
14 Just when you think you 've got it straight , along comes the Fool with his pig 's bladder and whops you on the nose .
15 But we had to choose , early on , which side we belonged to , and children have to come down on the side that brings the food home and gets it on the table .
16 In a world of single parents , almost all of them female , it is the relationship that the young man has with a solid male figure that gives him an edge and keeps him on the straight and narrow .
17 Satisfied that the room is empty , he enters quickly , closes the door behind him emphatically , and throws himself on the settee with a groan of weariness .
18 This project takes a general estimation procedure know as Residual Maximum Likelihood ( REML ) and implements it on the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre 's ( EPCC ) Connection Machine .
19 So she brings in a whole candelabra and balances it on the floor .
20 He folds the paper open and lays it on the desk .
21 The male then extrudes a packet of sperm from the genital opening beneath his thorax and deposits it on the ground .
22 Then she stuffs the letter back in the envelope and chucks it on the side .
23 he takes them out and puts them on the sideboard .
24 Andy lifts a log from the hearth and puts it on the fire , hitting the other logs with it and making them spark and blaze .
25 Well Mrs Toad is having a sale in her shop + + she has laid out her caish + cash register + + an' a number of pots of tea + + it 's gon na be a special sale because + + so she has th' + a sign up saying + prices are slashed + so she hopes lots of customers will be coming along + to visit her + + while she ‘ s waiting for customers + she goes about setting out the rest of + of the shop + + for things in the sale + + an ’ she brings on + large cans of tin + of tea + + for + she can only carry one at a time + so she walks on with one and puts it on the counter + +
26 No sooner does it fall back and hit the water than the whale flicks it into the air again with a blow of its tail or seizes it with its jaws and thrashes it on the water .
27 Under its agreement with IBM Corp , Intel Corp can only sit back and watch while IBM stuffs its versions of the Intel iAPX-86 microprocessor family into boards and sells them on the OEM market , and yesterday , IBM 's Electronic Card Assembly & Test Plant in Charlotte , North Carolina announced contracts totalling $344m to manufacture personal computer planar boards for two California firms : Eteq Microsystems Inc in Milpitas and that new company , Alaris Inc , just formed by those Everexes in Fremont ( CI No 2,121 ) .
28 The bolas spider lures moths with a scent , and catches them on a blob of glue at the end of a thread .
29 Then this young punk comes up behind me and hits me on the head with a car-tool .
30 And he gets the spade and hits her on the head with it and he goes , I never want to talk to you again and he kicks her in the head .
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