Example sentences of "and [was/were] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , the only way you could do that would be if you had a till at one end and people bought whatever they wanted and were given a voucher and you walked down the other end and exchanged
2 They joined the German retreat in early 1943 , and were given a place of settlement in the Novogrodek area of Belorussia .
3 The means was to restrict the legal provision of credit to those who applied for it and were granted a licence .
4 They had contacted selected publishers to seek support for the platform and were forecasting a launch in the autumn with a consumer market focus at a player price of about £250 .
5 A four-month amnesty came into force on Oct. 13 allowing illegal non-EC immigrants to regularize their position , provided that they had been in the country for six months and were earning a living .
6 3 men in balaclavas entered the garage shop by smashing a glass door panel , and were loading a dustbin with cigarettes when they were disturbed by a man in his thirties .
7 It 's very hard to explain , but these people are all on the extreme left and were seeking a poet to give them some sort of standing .
8 Three young men in cutoffs had colonized a triangular space and were flipping a Frisbee .
9 On the Saturday evening they were having a social and were to watch a striptease .
10 That they were n't having to give me a testimonial , which I would be entitled to soon , and were making a profit on my sale . ’
11 Although worried about the consequences of their boycott , they went ahead and were offered a pay rise as a result .
12 Morpeth raised more than £500 and were offered a slot on three local radio stations to publicise Amnesty International 's concerns .
13 They had travelled no more than a few hundred yards — the Kurd leading , Miss Logan bringing up the rear — and were crossing a patch of rough scree , a descent more tiring than dangerous , when Miss Fergusson fell .
14 With this help , No. 1 Troop had fought their way from building to building up the landward side of the road and were attacking a house when Sergeant Culling was hit in the face and killed by a percussion grenade exploding on impact .
15 Just as we 'd closed the window and were breathing a sigh of relief there was a loud knock on the door .
16 I 'm sure that they could have found other examples where solicitors were not doing the job very well and were charging a lot of money because let's be realistic there are good solicitors and there are bad solicitors and I would n't pretend otherwise .
17 One party had come as a dragon and were doing a conga through the dancing couples , tail disintegrating even as the giant head bobbed up and down .
18 We 'd been practising hard and were having a rest , just standing around and the Head Girl was smoking .
19 We had been at Orange for a week and were having a kit inspection .
20 He became a county councillor , sat on the Gower Bench , served on innumerable committees ( including the governing body of the Church of Wales ) and was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant for Glamorgan in 1948 .
21 He became responsible for all of the Bruce family interests , including their right to the throne , and was appointed a Guardian of Scotland in the absence of his young uncle , David II .
22 He retired from his position as general manager in 1919 and was appointed a director of the company , but resigned later in the same year on his appointment as consulting mechanical engineer to the newly formed Ministry of Transport , a position he held until 1927 .
23 He joined LASMO in 1989 following the acquisition of Thomson North Sea where he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and was appointed a director of LASMO in January 1990 .
24 F. Alan Wedgwood has been a director of the Group since 28 November 1986 and was appointed a director of Waterford Wedgwood U.K. plc on 15 June 1991 .
25 Because of his knowledge of languages Blake was recommended for a commission and was sent on to an officers ' training course at HMS King Alfred which in the spring of 1944 he passed and was appointed a sub-lieutenant in the RNVR .
26 She gave invaluable service to the Red Cross , St Dunstan 's and the Voluntary Aid Detachment , and was appointed a JP in 1951 .
27 Edward , Helen could see from his stance , was bored : he had his head tilted on one side and was watching a bird in a tree behind Peter Sidey 's left ear .
28 But I had been visited that morning by what was usually at this state of the term a rare inspiration , and was writing a poem of my own .
29 He had three pieces of paper in front of him and was writing a line at a time on each — a different line on different aspects of his recent battle with lung cancer , which , however , he stated was now completely cured .
30 As she had worked for the civil service previously , she applied and was sent a booklet which specified an age range for applicants of 17 ½ to 28 years .
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