Example sentences of "and [vb infin] they [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to produce as many young as possible , it is best to hatch and rear them away from the parents .
2 erm I think and what I 'll try and do , I 'll try and bring erm , I 've got two on the Thursday and I 'll try and bring them forward to the Monday , cos Monday 's a baker 's day is n't it ?
3 Yeah but its , you got ta try and give them instead of putting the law first , not
4 But he was either moody and difficult , or else in tearing spirits , playing with the children and upsetting them so that their mother would come and whip them afterwards for the noise they made .
5 He saw how every little niggling thing old Andy had given him to do counted — how one developed his muscle , another his eye , a third his judgement of time and distance ; how each hour he spent working with the foremast hands taught him to know and understand them better against the day when such men as they were would look to him for guidance .
6 Establishing these aspects initially is difficult enough , but the real headache is to maintain and apply them continuously throughout the various iterations of a changing design .
7 The moment we put our plate up , we 'll have to go and inform them politely of our presence .
8 The rule laid down in article 6(1) therefore applies where the actions brought against the various defendants are related when the proceedings are instituted , that is to say where it is expedient to hear and determine them together in order to avoid the risk of irreconcilable judgments resulting from separate proceedings .
9 I 'll try and find them sometime for you to see sometime .
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