Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [prep] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Within a mere three weeks the Smolensk Party authorities also required all uezd executive committees to collate , check , and comment to them on the minutes of every single peasant meeting on mutual aid .
2 We went in to the University and met up with Ian Jamieson , who invited us to come and stay with them for a few days .
3 I used to go and stay with them in their homes — in London , in Sussex , in Devonshire … ’
4 Laura was due to go over and stay with them in September .
5 It endorsed British industry 's achievements under the policies that we have been pursuing for the past 12 years , urged us to continue and build upon them in future and condemned utterly the sort of policies still advocated by the Labour party , which is stuck in a mind-set of the 1960s and 1970s .
6 The trick is to try and look beyond them to the interviewer and talk as though the two of you are having a personal conversation .
7 The following proposed amendments to the Constitution are for your careful consideration so that you can comment and vote on them at the A.G.M. on Friday , 19th March 1982 .
8 Previously , investigations like this had been done mainly from the outsider 's point of view , and it was men like Evans-Pritchard ( 1902–73 ) , Radcliffe-Brown ( 1881–1955 ) , and , particularly , Malinowski ( 1884–1942 ) , who determined that the only really effective way of understanding the way of life of these peoples was to go and live among them for an extended period of time , learning their language , and becoming accepted as a member of their social groups .
9 Right , well , this is the interesting thing , in a way , that bring , you might , very well like to go and play with them in the computer room .
10 A ‘ practical grasp ’ of physical properties is not the same thing as the ability to articulate and reason about them by way of verbal symbols .
11 I understand these are all in a state of disrepair and I should be grateful if you would investigate and arrange for them to be made good .
12 The important thing about that Richard is you still have to sit down and talk to them about these businesses .
13 It was so strange to meet and talk to them in the flesh .
14 There 's a thread running through them , but you have to sit down and listen to them before that sinks in . ’
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