Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [adv prt] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Others who have not this privilege would be well advised to listen carefully to recordings with the score , and to go over many times passages which seem to them obscure or unfamiliar in sound at a first hearing .
2 A panel of External Verifiers has also been appointed to undertake the approval and inspection of the assessment centres and to carry out regular monitoring .
3 For instance , The Health and Safety at Work Act ( 1974 ) and its associated regulations , impose duties on persons who design , manufacture , import or supply articles for use at work to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that they are safe , and to test them , provide proper information , carry out research with a view to the elimination of risks and to carry out other duties .
4 The practical applications of the work will be to provide information for coastal planning and engineering studies , to identify marine aggregate resources , to give advice on the siting of outfalls , cable and pipeline routes , and to carry out geochemical baseline studies and investigate sediment contamination using information from the geological survey .
5 Show some ability to recognise when planning , drafting , redrafting and revising are appropriate and to carry out these processes either on paper or on a computer screen .
6 The Welsh Office Education Department ( WOED ) provided funds to include two local education authorities ( LEAs ) in Wales in the project and to carry out some testing in Welsh .
7 The first five minutes is to enable you to reflect on the candidate who has left and to jot down any opinions and comments which are fresh in your mind .
8 The tendency is for everyone in the team to touch the ball as it goes through and to shuffle back each time someone has completed their turn .
9 Camdessus also urged the industrialized countries to increase aid to the LDCs and to write off official loans to the poorest countries .
10 ‘ To reconsider , re-emphasise and publicise national aims for primary education and to spell out broad implications of these for the curriculum .
11 In my view what is needed is not abolition of the audit but a simplified format , less compliance reporting and an audit certificate which enables auditors to explain in greater detail what they have done and to spell out those areas they are not satisfied with , and why .
12 A group of former Young Farmers who appeared in the film came together for a lunchtime drink to remember the making of the film and to talk over old times .
13 So a glazed atrium was cut through the five floors to allow in extra light and to open up visual links between different departments .
14 During the Dec. 23 visit of Capt. Blaise Compaoré , head of state of Burkina , agreement was reached to set up a permanent joint commission to promote co-operation and to open up diplomatic missions in the respective capitals as soon as possible .
15 The company plans to carry on with all its publishing operations and to open up new lines of activity .
16 Talking in small groups about anything without the supervising presence of a teacher is educational because it is heuristic : it helps children to set up possibilities , and to knock them down , and to set up new ones .
17 The form of work organisation adopted by management in the Durham coalfield , at first , was to formally separate the three major production processes of preparation , coal-getting , and advancing ( the props , conveyors , etc. ) and to set up distinct groups , each working a whole shift , to perform each process .
18 Consequently , it is prohibited to announce separate recruitment and to set up separate lists of successful candidates according to sex as well as to hire from the list of successful candidates of one sex without taking into consideration the higher marks of successful candidates of the other sex .
19 It is the responsibility of the offline manager to log on to LIFESPAN and to set up various parameters for the offline run .
20 We have helped to bring about the formation of the International Tropical Timber Organisation — to regulate the industry and to set up sustainable management .
21 If combination is atomic , then it should be possible to symbolize chemical compounds , and to set out chemical reactions in a kind of algebra .
22 fresh or dried leaves , whole plant fresh or dried , flowers fresh or dried ; for headaches and migraine , as a tonic , and to ward off biting insects
23 Pupils need to consider the way they approach the past , and to tease out key factors such as evidence , reasons , hypotheses , facts , opinions , criteria for reaching judgements , and so on .
24 This endearing creature has a special place in our countryside lore ; in the past , it was believed to suckle from sleeping cows , to be immune to snake bites , and to pick up fallen apples by rolling on them .
25 While other girls with real mothers resisted all the attempts to gentrify themselves , Eve and Mother Francis studied books on etiquette and looked at magazines to see how nice people dressed , and to pick up any hints on behaviour .
26 Most field men call at the office first thing in the morning to collect files , planning applications or other paperwork , and to pick up clean sample bottles or other equipment .
27 Despite marriage break-ups and criticism over lifestyle and finances , the family has the spirit to endure and to win back public support , said Dr George Carey .
28 A pioneer attempt to overcome the problems of political remoteness was made in Lewis in 1943 when the Lewis Association was set up ‘ to survey and study the social and economic needs of the Island and to draw up progressive plans of development ’ .
29 On the positive side , however , the months leading up to independence offer time to discuss the future direction of the country and to draw up specific plans .
30 On the positive side , however , the months leading up to independence offer time to discuss the future direction of the country and to draw up specific plans .
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