Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our intention in this section is simply to set out the main ideas of monetarism and to compare briefly monetarist policy recommendations with those of Keynesian economists .
2 The NUWW and the LNA had long been campaigning for legislation to raise the age of consent to eighteen and to enforce more stringent penalties against procurers and brothel-keepers .
3 This reflects government exhortations to develop " healthy alliances " ( DOH 1990 ) to overcome current boundary divisions between primary , secondary and community care ( in effect reintroducing planning by the back door ) and to enable more powerful purchasing agencies to emerge .
4 The arrival and ambivalent status of the coordinator forced many heads to took afresh at structures and decision-making , to delegate more extensively than hitherto , and to establish more regular consultation procedures than the traditional combination of informal encounters and unstructured or semi-structured staff meetings .
5 It was regarded as an attempt by the government to reach a new agreement with the IMF and to secure more favourable terms on the rescheduling of its $34,000 million external debt .
6 ( v ) To improve on information shown to employees via the payslip and to provide more comprehensive payroll controls .
7 But the drive to increase sales and to provide more entertaining material in a different form — both products of the commercialization of the newspaper — directly challenged the place of the political speech and the political leader in the newspaper of the late 19th century .
8 It aims to help patients recognise connections between their dysfunctional thoughts and maladaptive behaviours ; to evaluate critically their attitudes and beliefs about weight and eating , rejecting those that are invalid ; and to substitute more reasonable interpretations for dysfunctional ones .
9 Rather , certain elements of the written narrative — its ability to mix different modes of discourse and to create logically impossible situations — will be foregrounded to the detriment of elements such as unity of point of view which came to narrative with the invention of print .
10 The strategy used to foreground rhematic elements and to create highly marked information structures in the above extract is the same as that used by Le Carré in The Little Drummer Girl example .
11 2.38 There is no authority on the appropriate principles to be adopted in apportioning the amount recovered , but the practice in widows ' claims is to award the greater part of the total sum awarded to the widow on the assumption that she will maintain the children as long as they are dependent and to award comparatively small sums to the children themselves .
12 Group members were advised not to overstock their kitchen with food , to throw away leftovers , and to buy only small amounts of ‘ binge ’ foods .
13 Beneath , the flesh and organs of France were still sound , healthy enough to resist worse privations , and to withstand more savage slashes of the surgeon 's knife .
14 On the one hand , there is certainly a resistance to change and to new ideas ; academics appear quite happy to continue teaching the same old syllabuses as if there had been no ‘ explosion ’ ( Dr P 's word ) in English studies ; at the same time , there is no resistance to allowing other people within the same department to teach quite different things to students , and to do quite different types of research .
15 To ensure continuity and to give more necessary practice ( further consolidation ) , appropriate homework or a task should be given at the end of each lesson , or at least once or twice a week , depending on the amount of time the student is able or prepared to give up to home study .
16 Mr John Wall , chairman of RNIB commented : ‘ RNIB urges other companies to follow the example of BT and to give visually impaired people the right to privacy ’ .
17 This provides you with the opportunity to make objections in the same way as with any other listed building and to put forward alternative solutions .
18 The second is the scrutiny review of voluntary sector funding , which we hope will encourage the government to use their funding as a strategic resource , to provide a stable back-drop for other forms of fund raising , to assign a proper status to voluntary sector funding and to devise more coherent arrangements for its ad , administration .
19 Delegates expressed the hope that the environmental damage caused during the Gulf War — in particular Iraq 's release of oil slicks and the firing of Kuwaiti oil wells and the UN coalition 's bombing of nuclear , chemical and biological warfare facilities — would focus governments ' attention on the need to deal with the environmental dimension of modern warfare and to outlaw environmentally damaging actions not directly related to war arms .
20 To offset the emotional effects of their unnatural life-style they often require tranquillizers , and to ensure commercially satisfactory levels of meat production they are injected with anabolic — that is , body-building — steroid hormones .
21 Overall there would be a reduction in the number of students choosing science , but those who do so choose will be more likely to stay happily in the subject and to possess more flexible minds .
22 If , alongside this , boys are allowed to develop e.g. their caring faculties and to contemplate traditionally female careers such as nursing and social work , we might also see fewer boys taking A level mathematics and finding it unsatisfying for them , as Sheila Russell 's research ( 1983 ) indicated is all too frequently the case .
23 There has been a tendency generally , but particularly in the years since 1979 , to disregard what are seen as private troubles ( family poverty , poor marital relationships , isolation ) and to consider primarily public issues , e.g. dependency of lone parents on welfare benefits , reception of children into care because of homelessness or family breakdown and juvenile crime .
24 Producer countries wanted to renegotiate the INRA to increase the minimum defended price for rubber to a level above the average production cost , and to allow more active intervention by INRO 's buffer stock manager to support prices , which had sunk to a five-year low by January 1992 .
25 Particular activities in the form of classroom tasks may appear to be very different and to represent quite distinct views of pedagogy but on closer consideration to be consistent with the same underlying principle of approach .
26 We 've been concerned on the AIDS-H I V front to try and develop home helps , home care services , and to get more social work help in with the general medical services that deal with these er diseases .
27 As many of the papers in this section reveal , the new technologies are providing information specialists with the ability to improve access to collections for academic research , especially via networks , to enhance the quality of texts , and to develop more powerful means of analysis .
28 Within this scheme of thought , anything which can not be controlled is labelled dangerous and marginal , particularly when society is working to preserve its unity and to develop more sophisticated systems of self-definition , as was the case for the Jewish community in Palestine following the exile .
29 For this reason cholecystoscopy seems likely to be a permanent part of this procedure as it is necessary to confirm gall bladder clearance and to remove very small stones left behind after the lithotrite procedure .
30 We reserve the right to edit correspondence for length and to remove potentially libellous statements , or other matter that may lead to litigation .
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