Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [pron] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The entry will be placed on the Proprietorship Register and will read : Note : The transfer to the proprietor contains a covenant by her with [ Husband ] to pay the monies secured by Charge No 1 and to indemnify him from all claims and demands in respect thereof .
2 To insist on an overtly Polish identity was to exclude oneself from polite and educated Danzig society and to disqualify oneself from any job that promised social and economic advancement .
3 Culture and religion also serve to integrate the immigrant community and to insulate it from wider society .
4 If we confess our sins he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness .
5 But he was very kind , and brought me all the M & B tablets he could find , with instructions to get you back to bed , and to keep you from other children , and give you M & B every four hours until you were sick , and then try them again very slowly .
6 Try to insulate children from arguments and rows , and to protect them from tense and difficult situations until they are old enough to cope with them .
7 It will increase God s purpose is to change us by his Spirit within us ( the word ‘ change ’ is used in the Gospels to denote Jesus ' transfiguration ! ) ; and to change us from one degree of glory to another .
8 If in the unlikely event , if they want to feel a C C Q , let them have it , do n't , do n't because that person may be a tax he , he buys he has to feel what he 's buying and to deprive him from that you really are up against it .
9 It 's designed to operate across multiple computer systems and to integrate anything from personal computers to mainframes .
10 Even though no two people speak or write in just the same way , groups of people share sufficient language characteristics ( of accent , vocabulary and grammar ) to bind them together and to distinguish them from other groups .
11 Even if one discounts this problem , there is the question as to whether the tradition of authority and concern with social discipline is sufficient in itself to define Conservatism and to distinguish it from other ideologies .
12 Revusky ( 1971 ) call his theory a concurrent interference theory to emphasize just this point and to distinguish it from another commonly held interpretation of proactive interference .
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