Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And as a first resort , come and bug m .
2 If the new work is given to you in a lecture , you can assume that you require two hours of study for each hour of lecture — for reading of the subject before the lecture , and as a first review ( " within the first 24 hours ) .
3 They saw municipal ownership and its efficient management as a means of improving public services and as a first step towards public ownership of the entire economy , and improved administration to prevent or cure social ills .
4 Hundreds of delegates from around 25 political groups amended a charter presented by the EPRDF , and as a first step towards its implementation elected an 87-member Council of Representatives .
5 And as a first step we should demand three things essential to give any chance to retain ship building on Tyneside .
6 But it seems to be widely accepted as inevitable that indiscipline will not be eradicated , no matter how positive or imaginative the school tries to be ; hence the need to be able to apply sanctions and punishments , ‘ to register disapproval of unacceptable behaviour and as a last resort to protect the necessary authority of teachers and the stability of the school system ’ .
7 The Big Bang may have encouraged a greater familiarity among companies with search firms , simply because it was the first occasion when they had called on their services , often reluctantly and as a last resort .
8 The Police Complaints Authority will receive a report of the investigation and the subsequent action taken and has the power to require the papers to be sent to the D.P.P. , to recommend that disciplinary charges be brought and as a last resort order these charges to be brought .
9 Therefore , a system was introduced which enabled regiments to appoint honorary colonels of their own choosing so that they could speak on their behalf and as a last resort have a direct right to apply to the sovereign in order to make representations on behalf of their unit .
10 Out of luck and exhausted , he returns home , and as a last try , decides to phone .
11 I see this point of view from my own position as a third generation commuter between Harrogate and Leeds , and as a third generation commuter I do n't feel that it is a commentary on any absence of jobs in Harrogate or any shortage of jobs in Harrogate that I work in Leeds and live in Harrogate , it 's just something I 've grown up to think of as natural .
12 Pamella 's clock is running slow the Gloucester team were playing rough A familiar example , which actually contains an adjectival phrase rather than a single adjective , is : ( 66 ) a rose by any other name would smell as sweet With this construction , too , there is possibly a certain element of idiomatic restriction ; why for instance are the following examples unacceptable ? ( 67 ) the guide was eating gluttonous Suzanne pirouetted sensuous We may at least hazard a guess as to why this construction is fairly limited in its occurrence : there are three intensional elements in operation , the entity phrase in subject position , the property which is to be instantiated by the verb and as a third item a property that can be expressed either by an adjective or by its adverb competitor ; now where the lexical meanings are such that there would be an appreciable difference in the effect of applying the third property to the entity of the subject by contrast with the effect of using it to qualify the property of the verb ( which is the case in ( 53 ) by contrast with ( 54 ) ) then intuitive awareness that there is going to be a difference may generally allow the construction with the adjective to be available .
13 And as the first US Ambassador to the Communist regime in Beijing , he believed that secret emissaries to his old Chinese contacts was the way to launch his personal brand of presidential diplomacy .
14 ‘ It has been a special privilege to serve under you in the Cabinet as Chief Secretary and as the first Secretary of State for National Heritage .
15 She was an apostle of teacher training and as the first woman to be elected to the senate of London University promoted the foundation of the London Day Training College and the accompanying chair in education .
16 Finally , all is prepared and as the second hand ticks over into 8.30 pm the command ‘ Run Tape ’ is given .
17 A stool was brought out , and as the last echoes of twelve faded in the warm night air a dark-haired young man with flashing black eyes came and stood alone in the dim light .
18 Next year our Lion is William Shakespeare and as the 23rd April , the day in question , is his birthday , important celebrations will be held , as 1900 is such a special year .
19 Birth timing or spacing is measured as the length of time that has elapsed between marriage and first birth , between successive births ( closed birth intervals ) and between the last birth and the observation ( open birth interval ) .
20 And for a first course all you will need is either the broth from the pot-au-feu , which will have a very fine flavour and which you can thicken if you like with a little rice — there should be enough for seven or eight people — or perhaps a dish of mussels , or a light fish soup .
21 There was no hurry and for a first book something unified was essential : a couple of years ' delay was of no importance .
22 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
23 His eyes narrowed dangerously and for a split-second Polly held her breath .
24 There have been major rebellions against the imposition of charges for eye and dental tests , for an amendment to grade the poll tax according to ability to pay , and for the second reading of a private members ' bill to liberalize the Official Secrets Act .
25 There were also teams from America , Australia , France , Germany , Switzerland , and Spain , and for the second year there was a team of exceptionally courageous British disabled skiers led by Mr Mike Hammond and Miss Sue Hatch .
26 The competition was held among pupils at Drymen Primary School , and for the second year running was sponsored by the Royal Bank Branch in the town .
27 He agreed to be on site for the first weekend , while Dave would be present during the week and for the second weekend .
28 And his quality show earned the praise of manager Steve Gritt , who said : ‘ That is the best all-round performance I 've seen from him and for the second game in succession he 's earned us a draw . ’
29 The practice is for the second copy of the Request to be retained in the files of the Central Authority as a record of its action in the matter , and for the second copy of the document itself to be returned with the completed Certificate of service so as to eliminate any doubt as to which document is covered by the Certificate .
30 Once again , Botham won the toss and chose to field as the pitch looked as though it would be most lively on the first morning , and for the second time his decision could not really be criticized .
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