Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun] for a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suppose they must be , as historical documents in their own right , and as material for a publisher .
2 and off work for a week at first .
3 ‘ We squandered some chances and after half-time for a spell our possession , which is Tranmere 's strong point , was a little sloppy . ’
4 In the event , the schemes of Renner for a ‘ great central European Catholic peace community ’ and of Bauer for a model socialist State with a cultural federation could not save the empire .
5 They ship in March at from $14,400 for the Model 6220 and from $85,000 for a Model 6580 .
6 To help provide a sharper focus to current policy debates , and in preparation for a larger study of the effects of teacher education , this project will establish an up-to-date database on the nature of a range of approaches to initial teacher education .
7 If the magic was to start working again , I had to get her alone and in person for a few days .
8 Even as she watched , the idyllic little world began to fade , leaving her alone and in tears for a world so cruelly offered , then snatched away .
9 got to get all these C P Os selected and in post for a start .
10 Tim falling down the Kud and brought in by a kind Indian , unconscious for a day , and in hospital for a week .
11 The Rights of Way Act 1932 provides that where a way over land had been actually enjoyed by the public as of right and without interruption for a full period of 20 years , the way shall be deemed to have been dedicated as a highway , unless there is sufficient evidence that there was no intention during the 20-year period to dedicate it .
12 Travelling with the two sergeants is a back up team from RAF Hereford … they 're job is to make sure they stay on course and on time for a finish on Friday afternoon
13 23 May 08.35 Alan Anderson , discovering that the ‘ Maranyl ’ quality manager is on holiday , contacts his deputy Richard Mann and briefs him on situation and on need for a customer visit .
14 Cows and calves sold to £1,060 for a Simmental third calver with a Charolais calf at foot and to £925 for a second calver Simmental with a Limousin calf at foot .
15 In the store rings an entry of 400 bullocks continued to meet an excellent trade and sold to a top of £930 for Belgian Blue 464kg and to £920 for a Simmental 638kg .
16 Stores sold to £154.50 for a Belgian Blue 290kg at £448 and to £153.90 for a pair of Blondes 195kg at £300 .
17 Lightweight heifers also met an excellent trade selling to £139.40 for a Belgian Blue 165kg at £230 and to £138.70 for a Limousin 225kg at £312 .
18 All creating for the next decade and beyond opportunities for a ship building industry .
19 Then she tried 'em with new make-up On a sponsored run round Bacup , And at Norwich for a porridge Eating contest which she won .
20 Tomorrow we look at work to prevent the further spread of HIV in the region and at hopes for a scientific breakthrough .
21 This fish has a sweet taste , and at £1.99 for a 1½lb pack is £1 cheaper than cod .
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