Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Group therapy can be particularly suitable for ‘ problem ’ families , marital difficulties and as support for addiction or living with addiction .
2 Jerry Rawlings , retired from the armed forces on Sept. 14 , although he remained commander-in-chief of the military through his position as Chairman of the Provisional National Defence Council ( PNDC ) and as head of state .
3 Wood Group 's existing team based at Conoco 's Viking House will service the contract with as contracts manager and as head of supply base .
4 Pupils are encouraged to use the Departmental computer to access information from databases , and as part of simulation exercises .
5 The drug is used extensively in gastroenterological practice : in small bowel bacterial overgrowth and blind loop syndromes , in colonic Crohn 's disease , and as part of combination antibiotic cover during large bowel surgery .
6 On March 28 Gen. Chaovalit Yongchaiyut , 58 , who had resigned the previous day as Army C.-in-C. , announced that he would be joining the government as a Deputy Prime Minister and as Minister of Defence , ending widespread speculation about his political plans .
7 Hnatyshyn , 55 , had served as Minister of Energy , Mines and Resources and as Minister of State for Science and Technology in Joseph Clark 's Cabinet in 1979-80 and as Justice Minister in Mulroney 's Cabinet in 1986-88 , but had lost his parliamentary seat in the November 1988 general election .
8 Gorbachev on Jan. 5 decreed that " in order to activate the implementation of land reform " republican and local authorities should make an inventory of " lands which are not being used in a rational manner by collective and state farms " , and of the land holdings of USSR ministries , with a view to making these available leasehold to private farmers and as allotments for town dwellers .
9 Criterion descriptions may be regarded as setting curriculum objectives , as describing the performance of those attaining the objectives , and as specifications for test items or assessment situations .
10 The map for potassium shows pot-ash feldspar both in the fine groundmass and as overgrowths on plagioclase .
11 Turner has also stressed the subversive character of the betwixt and between state of liminality which helps to explain the drives , inversions , and paradigms of the counter-cultural form , and which enhances the potential for the liminal journey to illuminate the postures and pedantic reactions of the dominant ideology to such periods of social upheaval .
12 In particular distinctions were drawn between errors of law going to jurisdiction and errors of law within jurisdiction and between errors of law on the face of the record and other errors on law which in neither case went to jurisdiction .
13 Relationship between trade and between members of state , strictly competition and I said I 'd be the one erm relative case , just to demonstrate the course , Lord , erm I 've usefully used the time this morning to do a , a brief aden am moire of the point , the relevant photographs and the , just in case , if I can just hand that out ena enable me to , to speed through the admission , my Lord if I can just er take the through it and apart , my Lord paragraph five is triggered by an agreement which effects trade between members of states , er in windsurfing the court considered an argument that the causes and the contested agreement which had been struck down by the commission did not forward then article eighty five because they did not have that trade between members of states , the court replied , that argument must be rejected , article eighty five does not require that each and individual cause in the agreement should be capable of affecting into community trade , community law or competition applies to agreements between undertakings which may effect member of states , only if the agreement as a whole is capable of effecting trade is it necessary to exam which other clauses of the agreement which havers there object , let's just say or , or effect the restriction of competition .
14 The betwixt and between area of liminality which Turner discusses , in which social differences between individuals tend to be forgotten in a shared feeling of communitas , as among the participants in a pilgrimage , is the interface between human beings and " spiritual beings " .
15 In ‘ Mira 's Picture ’ she is caught between classes and between standards of value : both Corydon and Phillario judge her to be worthless .
16 We see relationships breaking down between partners in marriage , between the generations of a family , between neighbours and between colleagues at work .
17 Of course it is difficult to generalise over time and between parties with respect to the relations between party and Prime Minister , but in the recent past it has become clear that the Labour Party outside Parliament has been concerned to exert a greater measure of effective control over Labour Prime Ministers .
18 Feverfew will seed itself readily once there is a plant in the garden , in particular where the drainage is good and the sun plentiful ; it will root in walls and between cracks in paving .
19 Such a system it is argued ensures broad comparability of standards both between courses in the public sector and also with those in the universities ; it provides a guarantee to students , employers , funding bodies and the public at large that courses meet acceptable standards and that those standards are maintained ; it enables institutions submitting course proposals to draw upon a pool of national experience accumulated by the validating committees ; it stimulates academic debate between staff from different institutions about curriculum development ; and it provides a means of identifying and disseminating information about good practice and about innovations in teaching and learning in higher education .
20 Conflict about assessment at Key Stage 4 and about equivalence with GCSE ultimately led to the giving up of proposals for double testing .
21 My main research technique , participant observation , was coupled with informal interviews to learn about the past and about areas of life I could not observe .
22 Youth was , for Conrad , a period all too brief when romance prevailed over practical considerations , when it flourished because of inexperience and for want of maturity .
23 Attaingnant lost no time in following the examples of Petrucci and Antico by bringing out in 1529 a Tres breue et familiere introduction pour entendre et apprendre … a iouer toutes chansons reduictes en la tablature du Lutz , containing among other things seven of Claudin 's songs from the Chansons nouvelles … a quatre parties of the previous year , now arranged both for lute solo and for voice with lute accompaniment .
24 What Green in effect was arguing is that , since Liberals had won the battle for civil and parliamentary freedom and for freedom of trade , the challenge now was that of self-realization .
25 The CNGSB called instead for the establishment of 192 wider assembly areas , and for freedom of movement for all CNGSB members whether or not they were subject to arrest orders .
26 Communist Euro-MPs will fight for fairer trade with the developing world and for sanctions against Apartheid in South Africa .
27 On matters of opinion , the courts will not interfere ; but for mistake of jurisdiction or of principle , and for mistake of law , including interpretation of documents , and for miscarriage of justice , the courts will interfere : see Lee v Showmen 's Guild of Great Britain [ 1952 ] 2 QB 329. has now been discarded : practically every principle contained in it has been reversed .
28 The arrangements for the expatriate and his family 's passage to and from the UK and for periods of leave during the assignment should be given together with information on the location of airports/ports .
29 Activated charcoal is a non-specific adsorbent used for treatment of most ingested poisons and for haemofiltration for endotoxaemia .
30 And for peace of mind , a full 12 months Safeguard and Mechanical insurance will be included in the price .
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