Example sentences of "and [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They go and off it with the doctor .
2 And for her at the most , third sight .
3 I was struck too by the way in which we started the programme by considering the dangers of the situation and there 's no doubt that that 's correct , but it is important to say , perhaps the most important thing is that the end of is n't in the Soviet Union and the break up of the Soviet Empire is an enormously positive event for all of us , for the citizens of the Soviet Union and for us in the West it gives the opportunity for much greater stability , real stability , peace and prosperity then ever existed under the old regime .
4 What he lacks , though , is White 's flayed Christian moral sense : hs profound , compassionate identification with his characters ' sufferings , and through them with the world 's .
5 Texas drove some beasts to New Orleans and after 1849 to California , but it was the promise of the great north-eastern market which urged ranchers to explore those long routes which have become part of the heroic romance of the ‘ Wild West ’ , linking the remote south-west with the slowly approaching railheads and through them with the giant transport centre of Chicago , whose stockyards were opened in 1865 .
6 : The state under ‘ crown privilege ’ would have the right to withhold crown documents such as the RUC report to the Director of Public Prosecutions and through him to the Attorney General .
7 As Diocesan Secretary , Colonel Ross co-ordinates all the administration of the diocese , and is responsible to the Bishop , and through him to the Synod .
8 I 'm grateful to North Yorkshire and through you to the Strensall people for the arrangements and the use of the Village Hall and I think I must commend Mr Whipp for his fortitude through the last week or so .
9 He would be up and after them in the blink of an eye .
10 The voice lanced through the blackness , close to him and below him to the right .
11 How reach through and past them to the axis of power ?
12 She gave a brief glance at the screen , dropped her jaw by at least a metre , and walked backwards , first into the back wall , and then slowly and hypnotically down our aisle , past our row — in spite of our waving and hissing cries of ‘ Mummm ! ’ — then backwards again , eyes never leaving the screen , and past us in the other direction .
13 He was wearing his raincoat and behind him in the hall stood his suitcase and a scuffed , imitation-leather flight bag .
14 Under his arm was a heavy shoulder-holster and behind him in the doorway stood a policeman in blue shirt , bow tie , white crash helmet and riding breeches .
15 The differences are deep and go far back into history , but while I have been a Minister dealing with the economy and the environment I have always had the greatest possible collaboration from all the parties in Northern Ireland , which have always worked cheek by jowl with one another and with me for the benefit of all the people of Northern Ireland .
16 Here the three criteria of ( *a ) explainability , ( *b ) comprehensiveness and ( *c ) positivity intertwine , as I indicate by means of the asterisks : The problem for the atheist is to provide a convincing account ( *a ) of religious experience , and with it of the entire ( *b ) religious history of mankind , which will do justice ( *c ) to its character and effects .
17 The river was in flood and tradition maintains that Coilus was able to cross only by leaping onto a large rock in mid-stream and from it to the farther bank .
18 Three times world champion Ayrton Senna will be driving for the Williams team next season … that 's official … and alongside him on the grid will be Damon Hill … that 's a relief .
19 He was in midstream when the clouds that had covered the moon parted and drifted away , and before him on the distant bank he saw the gracious , massive shapes of Strata Marcella pastured like sheep in their silver meadows .
20 Thence northwards to Mina 's land , so eastward to the stream and over it at the place called Ufa 's ford , thence to the place called Lagness , thence to Laxley , and so to the place called Balsham , thence to the bridge at Ellridge , and thus northwards besides the marshy places , over this to the stream called ( Aldingbourne Rife ) and thence east to Waermund 's enclosure , thence to Wador 's barrow from that place to the fishpond , and from there to ( Ryebank Rife ) , and so the line runs to the sea …
21 He touched the long , dark green curtains , looked out into the garden and over it at the house beyond , tall and dark , A dim sodium-yellow glow filled the sky ; patchy snow blemished the garden .
22 Athena appears in the first and last and in one other at each end ; Hermes with her in the first and without her in the Cerberus , where his presence is necessary as the hero 's guide to the Underworld .
23 Yes , Mr Chairman , I , erm , I , I , I do appreciate that erm , I 've been invited through Committee er , to go through what I do represent er , the building project erm , on behalf of the economic development , because as you all know , I 'm of course on the economic development before , but er , in the past I 've found that that I have er been , shall we say , relieved of my positions on other er , position , erm , unknownst to myself , and of course I have er , actually turned up on these planning functions and been there , and to me in the past , I have always found that if one is going to be missed one must then , one 's either asked if he wishes to continue , if he 's been doing his job properly , if he does n't do his job properly then it 's only right to replace him .
24 eh brutal , er brute , er so many er only got a little bit more , eh sort of like you 've got er , I du n no , accent or something or add to it a few words , a few letters I mean , er a more I , a different accent you go to Manchester they said er different accent you go and so different one and to me from the beginning , not now , but from the beginning I was fascinate , I says why do they finish in Italian er ways , or add , you switch and them coins , erm , it still says
25 There is in particular one very small hotel , the Hôtel des Rem parts , whose rear windows look straight out on to the church and its battlements , and beyond them to the woods and escarpments rising sharply behind .
26 German police , stretched to their limits in the west and beyond them in the east , are confronted with vast mafia-like structures bound firstly by nationality and secondly by existing criminal hierarchies .
27 In her limited understanding , she could see a way to the upper strata of Arcady society and beyond it to the stars .
28 There is a steep mountain road served by mountain postbus ( route 600.38 ) from June to September leading to the village of Bristen ( 6km , 4 miles ) and beyond it to the Golzern cablecar station ( Timetable 1595 ) which gives an altitude start to climbers .
29 The door stood open and beyond it on the pavement was cast the shadow of the Medjay posted to keep watch .
30 Down to the hall again , and across it to the front door .
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