Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The right hon. Gentleman will be aware that the draft of the treaty at Maastricht today provides for the improvement of employees ' working conditions , for legal protection and for entitlement to consultation and to information .
2 These configurations were found to have implications both for flows of mutual aid , which tend to occur between those of similar employment status and notably between the unemployed , and for access to employment .
3 He and his colleagues performed a variety of laboratory experiments in which men 's attitudes and responses to rape were tested before and after exposure to pornography .
4 It involves two of the most intimate personal relationships , that of husband to wife , and of parent to child
5 Fourthly , the 1966 White Paper made it plain that at that time it was the government 's intention that the polytechnics should remain primarily teaching institutions ; as the DES notes of guidance subsequently indicated , research would be justified only in so far as it was of educational value to the teaching staff and of benefit to industry and business .
6 Radical Whigs in the early 1680s had challenged the Crown 's control of the armed forces and of appointment to office : the Rye House Plotters wanted the militia placed " in the hands of the people " ; Monmouth had insisted that judges should not hold their commissions at the King 's pleasure but rather " during good behaviour " .
7 There has been healthy demand recently in newly-rich China , which has a tradition of buying gold and of susceptibility to inflation .
8 Heads ' management styles should encourage a sense of collective responsibility among teachers , and of commitment to school among pupils and parents ; their management training should be directed towards this .
9 Initially the main focus was on experimental production but , as the movement gained ground , questions of audience and of access to technology and skills became increasingly important .
10 He is charged with leading the team and with day to day liaison with the Lexicographer Group .
11 Let us accept the shifting of taste , and let us show our faith in the Great Tradition by teaching as much as possible of the literature we admire , without worrying too much about canons and with attention to variety rather than moral unity .
12 It is clear that yield can vary quite considerably with coupon for the same term to maturity , and with term to maturity for different coupons .
13 The EAT provides a more extensive assessment of consonants and consonant blends than does the Goldman-Fristoe test , but the latter is more systematic in that , for each consonant included in the test , articulation is examined with respect to three word positions and with respect to production within sentences .
14 Levels of intermarriage , in the first place , varied considerably from republic to republic and from nationality to nationality ; and although the proportion of ethnically mixed families at the national and republican level might have been increasing , it did not necessarily follow that the incidence of intermarriage between each of the major nationalities had been increasing at a similar rate .
15 In earlier times the quality of the information provided by a register varies from place to place and from incumbent to incumbent .
16 Pages are written closely and amorphously from side to side and from top to bottom .
17 The history consisted of genealogies ( which were different in their emphases and resonances from place to place and from person to person ) and of anecdotes , poems , stories , all of which were similarly variable .
18 While pressure-group influence varies over time and from issue to issue , such groupings must now be seen as an integral part of local public administration .
19 Perhaps local politics needs to be seen as a series of shifting alliances , varying over time and from issue to issue .
20 What is appropriate will , naturally , vary from job to job and from country to country .
21 Relationships vary over time , from authority to authority and from service to service .
22 It was set a great deal more by the massive alteration in the balance of the Catholic community — the decline of France , Italy and Spain , the rise of Brazil , the United States , the Philippines , even Zaire , the revival of Catholic Eastern Europe , the larger shift from both west to east ( especially in Europe ) and from north to south .
23 The wind seemed to drive all ways at once , so that whichever way they turned , as they struggled to and fro across the yard , and from building to building , the snow was always directly into their faces .
24 These will differ from generation to generation and from temperament to temperament , but it is wise to know the types of doubt to which we are most prone .
25 Language , you see , is always changing and from acupressure to zouk , this book 's all you need to keep your '90s lingo up to date .
26 Flight fast , flocks performing aerial evolutions recalling golden plover , and undertaking long , often noisy daily journeys — up to 40 miles and back — to and from water to drink either at dawn or dusk .
27 In less extreme circumstances others were expressing concern that the holding of information and its transmission from teacher to teacher and from school to school might unfairly label and prejudice a child .
28 In practice , the extent of change engendered by the staffing delegation component of LMS will vary from LEA to LEA and from school to school and in nothing more so than in appointments .
29 Doubts are like sicknesses in that the prevalent types vary from country to country and from culture to culture .
30 Every from country to country and from culture to culture .
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