Example sentences of "and [noun sg] in the same " in BNC.

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1 So he had lived in childhood and adolescence in the same country rectory , taking part each Sunday in a familiar liturgy which reflected , interpreted , and sanctified the changing seasons of the farming year .
2 Titration studies in gall gladder bile were undertaken with HCl and NaOH in the same patients as studied by CO 2 equilibration .
3 I can think of no better expression to characterise these similarities than ‘ family resemblances ’ ; for the various resemblances between members of a family … overlap and criss-cross in the same way . ’
4 Machine the tape close to its edge , avoiding the cords , stitching along the top and bottom in the same direction .
5 It is breezy , reasonably written ( apart from a grating tendency to treat a company as both singular and plural in the same sentence ) .
6 It appeared in this spelling in 1698 in Worcestershire , although the form Keasse was used in Gloucestershire in 1660 , and Keisse in the same county in 1583 .
7 Secondly , a private company is not normally subject to public monitoring and accountability in the same way as a listed company and the purchaser will consequently seek detailed warranties and indemnities from the owners of the company in a sale contract .
8 So , well before we get on to any issues to do with the structural poverty of the Third World , maintained by the wealth extracting efforts and arrangements of our Western world , we can surely see why quite a few people do not really believe in recovery through economic growth and consumption and we need to ask whether we ought to want it anyway , but people in the Tory Party and in the Labour Party in the City with a capital C and the trade unions with a Capital T and a U go on talking as if our goal must be jobs and recovery in the same old way , technologized , computerized and skillerlized of course with strong dashes of management insights and so on
9 And we will not protect the environment until we address the issues of population growth and poverty in the same breath . "
10 The right of a bailee to detain a chattel from its owner until payment be made , not only in respect of that particular article , but of any balance that may be due , on a general account between the bailor and bailee in the same line of business .
11 And shall there insert every persons name that shall be wedded christened or buryded And for the sauff ( safe ) kepinge the same boke the parish shale bonde to provide of these comen charges one sure coffer with twoo lockes and keys where of the one to remayne with you and the other with the said wardens , wherein the said boke shalbe laide upp Which boke ye shall every Sonday take furthe and in the presence of the said wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the weddinges , christenyngs and buryenges made the hole weke before , And that done to lay upp the boke in the said coffer as afore .
12 The Commission noted that , in certain circumstances , such as where the parties agree not to carry out other research and development in the same field , these agreements might infringe Article 85(1) .
13 He had been riding in front of Chuck and his father , watching with admiration the erect , narrow-backed figure of Jacques Devraux jogging easily at the head of the column ; the fierce-eyed Frenchman had quickly made a deep impression on Joseph 's fifteen-year-old mind and he was trying to hold his own shoulders high and square in the same fashion .
14 North Down Conservatives urge Sir Patrick and his colleagues to treat the Unionists , SDLP and Alliance in the same vein as ministers regard Labour and the Liberal Democrats in Britain .
15 Cereal-growing or hay- and silage-making in the same field year after year will obviously rob that field of humus and structure , especially if heavy-yielding crops are grown with chemical fertilizers .
16 He campaigned for an integrated study of Christian philosophy , history , literature , and art in the same way as literae humaniores had studied every aspect of classical culture .
17 May this Helper be yours and mine in the same trying hour !
18 To put these two things together is like forcing people to eat , I do n't know , salt and sugar in the same spoonful .
19 Accordingly , we would construe the guarantee and debenture in the same way that we have construed the mortgage deeds .
20 One should n't strictly include Erebus and Terror in the same chain as those of New Zealand — the gap is rather large — but they do bring us conveniently back to Antarctica , from where we began our journey of some 40,000 kilometres round the entire Pacific Ocean .
21 Marie-Claire Alain makes a wonderful sound on the organ of the Vienna Konzerthaus , and at least this disc has the advantage of having been made withe the organ and orchestra in the same building .
22 It rather resembles a Victorian village school in outline ( or perhaps Victorian village schools resemble it ! ) , with its steep roof and dormer windows looking like belfries ; you fully expect to see a vicarage and church in the same style hovering nearby .
23 Much discussion revolves round whether English Heritage ( whose 400 castles and abbeys are largely unfurnished ) has the capacity to care for fragile interiors and furniture in the same way as the National Trust .
24 One danger of having both eggs and pollen in the same structure is that the plant may pollinate itself and so anticipate and prevent cross-fertilisation , the very purpose of all these complexities .
25 So when the Indians used the phrase ‘ passive resistance ’ in South Africa they were immediately considered to be a threat to person and property in the same way as the suffragettes were a threat .
26 Those that received pre-exposure and conditioning in the same context acquired the CR slowly ( i.e. showed latent inhibition ) ; those that experienced a change of context from exposure to conditioning learned as readily as the control subjects .
27 And of course a vote of thanks to FIFA for ensuring the league 's Welsh internationals were able to represent club and country in the same week .
28 A person with an established , stabilised impairment who develops a complication of that impairment , or suffers an independent illness or injury , will seek medical advice and treatment in the same way as anyone else .
29 ‘ No , because I never have to play both guitar and bass in the same song . ’
30 Yes , keys and paper-Shuttles and space walkers — they 're all being steered through space and time in the same way by gravity .
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