Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [prep] [art] country " in BNC.

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1 He might still be a force for peace and unity in a country that calls itself The Union of Burma .
2 The warning , which followed an appeal by the government for people to refrain from storming installations of the National People 's Army , came as the disgraced former Communist leader , Mr Egon Krenz , stood down as head of state and chairman of the country 's Defence Council .
3 The warning , which followed an appeal by the government for people to refrain from storming installations of the National People 's Army , came as the disgraced former Communist leader , Mr Egon Krenz , stood down as head of state and chairman of the country 's Defence Council .
4 The warning , which followed an appeal by the government for people to refrain from storming installations of the National People 's Army , came as the disgraced former Communist leader , Mr Egon Krenz , stood down as head of state and chairman of the country 's Defence Council .
5 He said that in Myanma human rights meant security , food , clothing and shelter , non-disintegration of the country , and perpetuation of the country 's sovereignty , which were " more important than so-called democratic rights " .
6 The dormouse , once found throughout England , is now close to extinction everywhere except in the south and west of the country .
7 As Figure 2.5 indicates , most of these ‘ assisted areas ’ were in the north and west of the country .
8 These provinces produced , in proportion to their population , enormously more recruits than the centre , south and west of the country .
9 The HDF polled well in the capital , while the SzDSz consolidated its position further to the west , reflecting a traditional economic and political divide between the east and west of the country .
10 Most Western press reports on the military situation in Cambodia in July claimed that the Khmer Rouge forces were making major advances in many areas , particularly the north and west of the country .
11 Throughout February the army continued its offensive against rebel forces in the south and west of the country [ see also p. 38725 ] .
12 Two teams are running the 550 miles from Edinburgh to London down the east and west of the country .
13 Until recently he believed that ‘ the magnificent State of Britain' had done little for the Science upon which her wealth , power and very existence depended ; except to provide security and freedom in a country its citizens could be proud of , and this had indeed been enough .
14 Averaged out , the trainers clearly gave much greater weight in selecting future teachers to oral proficiency and experience of the country whose language would be taught , and much less to written proficiency , knowledge of literature or linguistics , the referee 's report , or experience with children ’ ( Gold , 1985 : 11 )
15 They have one of the widest ranges of tableware , crystal and cutlery in the country and prices range from reasonable to gulp .
16 Those opposition leaders who were deported included Louis Roy , founder of the Haitian Red Cross and co-author of the country 's 1987 liberal but short-lived Constitution [ see pp. 35695 ; 36147 ] ; Hubert de Ronceray , a conservative human rights campaigner ; Antione Izmery , a leading businessman ; Michel le Gros , a leading member of the Movement for the Installation of Democracy ( MIDH ) ; and Gerard Emile Brun of the social democratic National Congress of Democratic Movements .
17 It will try to do so by explaining the nature and future of the country 's trade surplus .
18 If they fail , the rapidly growing populations in the favelas of the great urban centres will become even more desperate in their quest for survival , with incalculable consequences for the stability and future of the country .
19 The departments which teach modern European languages — French , German , Italian , Portuguese , Russian , Scandinavian , Spanish , Celtic — are committed to preserving the best features of traditional courses of language study so that students may acquire competence and skill in the written and spoken language as well as an extensive knowledge of the literature and civilisation of the countries concerned .
20 Transport of stone was difficult and costly so areas with available stone — mainly the north and south-west of the country — used this freely , while others like East Anglia and Cheshire , built in timber and brick .
21 Not surprisingly , for a country which is second only to Russia for the scale of its distances ( and second to no country but Norway on a per capita energy consumption basis ) motor fuels make up the largest element of oil consumption .
22 Canada 's provinces have agreed to appoint a three-man commission to investigate the efficiency , safety , and management of the country 's blood-supply system .
23 The size and range of the country 's sex business may mean that Thailand is in for the world 's fastest upswing in HIV infection .
24 Furthermore , industrial success or failure on a grand scale can have as much , albeit slower , effect as military defeat on the lives and well-being of a country 's citizens .
25 Every man , woman , and child in the country would own about 100 of them , but garaging them would be no problem as each car would be little bigger than a matchbox .
26 MORE than 52 million single records were sold in Britain last year , nearly one for every man , woman and child in the country .
27 As for resources , the hon. Lady will know that we spent about £3 billion on the health service in Scotland last year , which is more than £600 per head for every man , woman and child in the country and represents an increase of about 38 per cent .
28 It has been lowest in the southeast and southwest of the country , where wealth is based more heavily on service industries .
29 Making it clear that there could be no question of a ceasefire , Foreign Minister Moumin Bahdon Farah said on Jan. 5 that the FRUD was a foreign invading force , and that it was the government 's duty to continue to defend the unity and sovereignty of the country .
30 American bureaucrats did not comprehend the speed of change in Korea and that a potent sense of nationalism with a corresponding ardent wish for the unification and independence of the country existed in August 1945 .
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