Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Under ‘ Remand homes ’ it says every county and borough must arrange for some special remand home to be used ‘ for children and young persons only , and to which older persons are not to be sent ’ .
2 But he cautions the prosperous townie newcomer that money and ambition will count for nothing : ‘ You must wait patiently for acceptance into the village , and learn to share the atavistic values of the region . ’
3 We hope that this booklet provides you with useful information to be used as a starting point — to start thinking about the issues that HIV and AIDS may raise for us in our lives and to start talking with and listening to our lovers , families , friends and colleagues in an informed , non-judgmental way .
4 This means going into hospital for two or three days , and the redness and soreness may last for a month .
5 The studies reached a common conclusion that some physical failures or individual errors can be foreseen , and that improved organisation and management should compensate for such errors .
6 ‘ After 1949 , ’ wrote Betty Friedan , ‘ Career Woman suddenly became pejorative , denoting a ball-busting , man-eating harpy , a miserable neurotic witch from whom man and child should flee for very life . ’
7 Again , the age of the plaintiff and his expectation of life are of critical importance in all cases in which pain and suffering will continue for life , for they determine the length of time for which he is likely to suffer pain or experience suffering .
8 So that employees can truly assess the new country , some firms pay for short ‘ look-see ’ visits so that the executive and spouse can judge for themselves , first-hand , as to whether they should accept the transfer .
9 Alcatel Network Systems UK Ltd says it is launching a mobile communications system for UK freight services to link vehicles via satellite to their home base using its Euteltracs mobile system which provides two-way text communications between a mobile unit and its base , and position tracking and group messaging ; the service is similar to electronic mail and airtime costs are similar to cellular phone costs ; a mobile kit comprising antenna , the communications unit and keyboard should sell for £4,000 ; the system uses Qualcomm Inc 's technology .
10 Every teacher , from the reception class upwards to the age of 16 , needs to have a confident grasp of what the whole process of schooling and education can provide for and require from the pupil .
11 The consequence of this is that public services designed to develop the potential of children and to safeguard their health and welfare must aim for an approach which incorporates the concept of partnership at its core , and that the legal framework relating to intervention in families should recognise and encourage this sense of partnership .
12 The course on theory and criticism will run for two terms and covers the major theories and methods of film practice from Eisenstein 's articles on montage to contemporary pronouncements on auteur cinema .
13 Freud , as suggested in Chapter 2 , argued that the state and politics are transferred father figures : organisations and people on whom those with little power and authority can depend for safeguards while at the same time suffering imposed personal restrictions .
14 Britain is not yet ready for a Ministry of Justice , but if such a change were to come it is unlikely that the distinction between administration and policy would endure for long .
15 The theory that amplexus is a form of ‘ mate guarding ’ by males , preventing others from mating with the same female , is confirmed by comparing the duration of amplexus in explosive breeding European common frog , only one out Among explosive breeders , competition between males for females is intense and amplexus may last for several days or even for the entire breeding period .
16 ‘ Just the brandy and beef will do for now .
17 Unwin , in his essay , Art and Simplicity , proposed a " rational cottage " " … which the lover of art and beauty would desire for himself " ( my italics ; 1901 p 65 ) .
18 A fall in price would reduce the MRPL at every level of employment , the MRPL curve would shift left and employment would fall for a given weekly wage .
19 Similarly , a rise in price would raise the MRPL at every level of employment , the MRPL curve would shift right and employment would rise for a given weekly wage .
20 But progress may nevertheless be very slow and unemployment will persist for some long time .
21 A familiar name or mark is very influential as many who buy computer hardware and software will look for a product which is likely to be of reasonable quality and will be supported in years to come .
22 Well mum could pay for Bulgaria and m , and dad can pay for the erm and you could go and stay
23 Yet authentic conversation and involvement must allow for a full range of likes and dislikes to be expressed , and also for criticism as well as acknowledgement , but we need to do this in such a way that we do as little damage as possible to other people as people .
24 The South Korean government also insisted that both Kaifu and Akihito should apologize for Japan 's past treatment of Korea .
25 It is characteristic of the novel that climate and vegetation should count for no less than its comedy of manners , in which the Jewish businessman Harry de Tunja plays an enjoyable part , and that neither of these two elements , so far as they can be distinguished from the rest of the novel , should count for less than the opinions which they help to convey .
26 That must also imply that Western politicians recognise the vital contribution that popular support and sanction would have for legitimising the new security proposals now on the table and thereby ensuring that they would be effective .
27 Remember that if on completion you obtain either a document or a covenant for the production of a document , which itself contains a covenant for the production and an undertaking for the safe custody of earlier documents , the benefit of that covenant and undertaking will enure for the benefit of your client , the buyer .
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