Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This gave the baronage a strong sense of cohesion ; but the large families which many of them had , and the opportunities for enrichment and impoverishment which growing population and growing wealth provided , meant that any great man had a large number of poor relations , and that the rungs on the ladder between the poor knights and the great princes were thronged with men moving up and down , sometimes at breakneck speed .
2 Davidoff et al have shown that the Beau Ideal was underpinned by a morality of mutual duty and service , although the benefits and freedom which each participant drew from such an arrangement varied directly according to their position in the hierarchy .
3 ‘ The breadth of knowledge and expertise which each person brings to the team is enormous and by working together we have been able in a short space of time to see the company woods from the departmental trees . ’
4 Afghanistan has had a long history of neutrality and non-alignment which Soviet leaders have assiduously fostered .
5 Whether the primary motive for the association was the wish to appear to be in partnership or to avoid being identified as sole practitioners was not clear , but the Tribunal drew attention to the fact that " such a sham partnership would serve to mislead the public who are entitled to believe that the persons being held out as being partners would enjoy the full relationship of support and responsibility which that state engendered " .
6 work out the qualifications and experience which that person should have ;
7 It seems cruel that what is encouraged and praised in girls as children ( and is also , after all , an expression of identity and creativity which little boys too could benefit from ) is suddenly , at age eleven seen as vanity , and a sign of low intellect .
8 In the course of my own childhood and adolescence my immediate family went through several changes , mostly involving separation and loss , but at the same time certain factors remained constant .
9 The local party leader in Shanghai , Jiang Zemin , attempted to deter the first demonstration by personally addressing thousands of students at the Jiaotong campus on 19 December , Jiang was a technocrat and moderniser whose future success in the party seemed certain .
10 ‘ I found them outside his door when I took master and mistress their early morning tea . ’
11 Margaret Forster is a novelist , biographer and critic whose new biography of Daphne du Maurier , an investigation into the mysterious and passionate personality of one of the century 's best-loved authors , is already generating lavish praise and attention .
12 The thrust of the above arguments is the suggestion that there is , or is widely believed to be , a trade-off between efficiency and equity whose precise form is unknown .
13 In the early days of World Championship Grand Prix racing Brazil had to sit back and watcher her next-door neighbour Argentina take all the honours through Juan Manuel Fangio .
14 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what new incentive to manufacturers he intends to introduce to stimulate the home machine tool industry .
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what recent representations he has received from business men about the need for the United Kingdom to remain a receptive and attractive base for inward investment .
16 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what recent representations he has received from business men about the impact of the Trades Union Congress 's attitude to Japanese inward investment into the United Kingdom .
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what recent representations he has received from business men about the impact of regulatory burdens on industry .
18 But having talked his reluctant owner and trainer into running , Davies proceeded to kid and cajole their unpredictable 11-year-old into running the race of his life .
19 No-one who sees a golgi-stained preparation of neurons can fail to be awed by the complexity and elegance their branching patterns reveal .
20 The PNP coordinator idea , whatever its problems and imperfections in practice , represents a vision of professional collaboration , development and decision-making which primary schools can ill-afford to abandon , least of all in the era of the National Curriculum .
21 The Code reminds appeal committees of the apprehension and anxiety which many parents might feel when attending a hearing and of the need to adopt a welcoming and helpful approach , whilst remaining impartial .
22 It invites denigration , even denial , of the link between physical care and care for the whole person whose body needs tending , and therefore of the knowledge and skill which such activities may require .
23 Hilton says that the possibility of reformation thus open to man 's free choice has two aspects : first , reformation in faith which is based on the process of recognition and destruction of the image of sin which has occupied the greater part of Scale 1 ; and second , reformation in feeling which involves a development possible for some who can progress further to an inner freedom and joy which such discipline enables .
24 As a fashionable spa town during the last century , Baden bei Wien attracted royals and noble hangers-on , who came in droves to take the waters and cake their aristocratic frames in healthpreserving mud .
25 That puts me in mind of Montesquieu ’ — ; the French philosopher and belle-lettrist whose Persian Letters may have formed the inspiration for Goldsmith 's Citizen of the World : both employed the satirical device of having their society scrutinised by visitors from a far-off land .
26 Yet treachery was the greatest crime in the feudal code : loyalty and generosity its supreme virtues .
27 LYNDA Chalker , reappointed as Minister for Overseas Development despite losing her Wallasey seat at the election , yesterday backed United States Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady 's opposition to new funds for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development whose annual meeting in Budapest ended yesterday .
28 If nostalgia for another age is high on the list then there are hotels of special quality and character which still offer the sort of service and ambience which were the hallmark of the grand days of travel .
29 N-Joi bravely mix up and showcase their current output , but the problem is basic .
30 Finally , we have a cultural anal trauma associated with pastoralism and monotheism whose modern adult equivalent is obsessional neurosis and whose pre-Oedipal focus lies in the anal-sadistic phase .
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