Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It was as if they had served to draw some morbid agent from her blood , as if they had been a great black and damson poultice to draw off her petulant humours and leave her as placid as a Madonna .
2 Each would require a portable bedstead , an air mattress and a pillow ; they would take some Oxley 's essence of ginger , some good opium , quinine and Seidlitz powders ; a portable inkstand , a match-box and supply of German tinder ; umbrellas against the sun and flannel belts to ward off cramps of the stomach during the night .
3 As the Lord Chancellor opens the way for banks and building societies to carry out conveyancing , perhaps the best people for the job are the prospective buyers themselves .
4 The move comes hard on the heels of growing pressure from the Government for banks and building societies to pass on recent rate cuts to home owners to get the economy moving .
5 This motion also creates an opportunity for the union , our union , the members ' union , to encourage young members , members and branch activists to take on the role of branch administration officers within the regions we represent here today and gain experience in an area of trade union work that they thought might never have , have existed .
6 It is essentially a problem-solving exercise in which there must be a close relationship between sales effort on the ground and the ability of the applications and research staff to come up with the answers , within the boundaries of what is commercially viable .
7 A man who mixes a cocktail of vitamins and sleeping pills to knock out Little Liz 's predecessor after she had gone off her oats and then crawls around under the bedclothes with a speculum and a flashlight .
8 Now police are warning farmers and horse owners to step up security until the attacker is found .
9 And they 're urging farmers and horse owners to step up security .
10 But , having given permission and encouraged the port authority and dock company to move in and operate a port , which is a major long term undertaking , it is hardly reasonable to seek to stop or materially limit it without compensation and when the dock company is doing no more than making a success of that for which permission was granted .
11 Most of them do all they can for the elderly with their limited resources , but if your parent is badly in need of a telephone and there is no way of your managing to install it for her , you should bring every possible pressure to bear to produce some speedy action on his or her behalf ; for sudden illness , and the need for medical attention , does not wait for lengthy negotiations and committee work to rumble on indefinitely before it puts in an appearance.With very few exceptions , blaming individual social workers for delay in providing any particular service is usually an unfair and useless exercise , for they are only part of a large organisation and if things go wrong an approach to the local Director of Social Services is the best course of action .
12 IDB Communications Group Inc , Culver City , California international telecommunications services company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to offer up to 1m common shares to raise some $28m to buy in , discharge or repay in full at the earliest possible date the company 's 13% senior subordinated notes due 1998 .
13 When you first apply to join the bank , make clear to your employer just how much responsibility you feel able to take , and discuss ways of improving your clinical and management skills to take on additional responsibilities .
14 The investment of research and management resources to build up to a Chinese market has usually been at a higher cost than would be tolerated elsewhere .
15 Instead there is the now familiar resort to notoriously slippery and unreliable lifestyle and consumption indices to trace out the contours of projected readerships .
16 We will expect Post Offices and Job Centres to set out standards of service and levels of achievement .
17 Both companies are reputable chip makers with the technology , manufacturing capacity and marketing muscle to take on Intel .
18 It will still contain plenty of business and mortgage borrowers to kick up a stink about base rates .
19 And they 'll press shops and trolley manufacturers to come up with better designs and clearer instructions .
20 In America the political conventions are designed to enthuse the participants and television viewers to go out and campaign for their candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency .
21 Use a club hammer and steel chisel to open up a crack until it is about 25mm wide
22 Officers , workers and congressmen decided to fight the decision , mostly by persuading the Defence Base Closure and Realignment Commission to shut down Everett instead .
23 However , anyone who is on the move , under stress or is likely to skip meals should think about taking a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement to make up for any deficiencies in diet .
24 The yacht will also host a number of ‘ sea days ’ , used by the Government and trade associations to drum up business for Britain , before and after the tour .
25 The Royal Yacht Britannia will be used for part of the tour and also to host a number of ‘ sea days ’ , used by the Government and trade associations to drum up business for Britain , before and after the tour .
26 Two days after changing tack , Alexander set up a Commission on the Reorganization of Provincial and District Institutions to work out how the new principle was to be embodied in legislation .
27 The Government had initially aimed at a 1 January 1948 vesting day for the new Central Authority and Area Boards to take over , though eventually a date three months later was agreed .
28 The decree will allow state governments and environment councils to carry out sustainable development projects in the region .
29 Other ideas to free the town 's roads include contraflow lanes , which allow buses to go against the main traffic flow , and giving buses priority at busy junctions and traffic lights to speed up the service .
30 The Lloyds will be one of 16 father and son pairs who will join up with 16 mother and daughter partnerships to find out who will become this year 's Remington/Daily Express Family champions .
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