Example sentences of "and [prep] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Within these rural areas there seems to be a definite preference in favour of not only smaller towns ( i.e. those below 50,000 people ) but also villages , for both the periods 1961–71 and 1971–81 , and for both the USA and England and Wales as shown in Table 5.2 .
2 The BBC 's Ski Sunday made Val d'Isere its TV curtainraiser , and for once the Criterium of the First Snow could boast a carpet of real snow .
3 ‘ I d-do n't know , Sir , ’ Lexandro stuttered ; and for once the title of Sir came sincerely to his lips .
4 And for once the finale — everyone coming together to sing Dylan 's Chimes of Freedom — seemed not corny but exactly right .
5 She felt as if he was paying homage to their love , his every caress a thanksgiving , and for once the wildness left them alone so their loving was a thing of tenderness and healing , of joy and celebration .
6 I turned and looked out over the slanted , foreshortened wedge of streets and stocky tenements , and for once the strain in my ears found the appropriate line , the right score .
7 This is the classic position , and with only the bat to be raised the batsman is in position to move back or forward while at the same time able to focus on the ball .
8 From Drewsteignton a steep lane drops to Fingle Bridge and from here the route heads upstream along the gorge , picking its way through woodland which grows thickly right to the water 's edge .
9 These reunite into a single large body of water just north of Altdorf , and from here the river takes on a different character .
10 Three weeks after her trial began on February 15 this year , she collapsed , and from then the dock remained empty .
11 From above and from below the pressures of class , existing at present , could be resentfully felt and wished away .
12 Return to Rorschach , and from there the tour continues to St Gallen .
13 Everything goes as planned and I soon bully him into the landing net , and from there the hook is removed and he is slid into my big , knotless keepnet , where he can lie safe and recover while I try to catch him some company .
14 Certainly er by then perhaps I forgot to mention as we went through the front door my weapon was already out of the holster and by the time we 'd got the bedroom door my weapon would already have been under er my eye level , hence literally aiming the weapon and from there the gun was out , my arm was out , whether I still had hold of P C I I ca n't recall .
15 Bomber Command itself was situated at High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire and from there the orders were sent out every day to each Group Headquarters , indicating which target had been selected for that night 's operation , and the Groups then sent on the information to the Commanding Officers at each of the air fields , or ‘ out-stations ’ .
16 The men were carrying out top-secret research into radar , and until now the incident has been shrouded in mystery .
17 I would be inclined to choose Abbado 's COE versions ( DG ) as the finest available recordings of the Fourth and Sixth Symphonies on modern instruments ( or Wand 's on RCA if you really must have full orchestral forces ) , and until now the Hanover Band under Roy Goodman ( Nimbus ) have had the field to themselves , ‘ authentically ’ speaking .
18 Once again , the transaction will not be complete until the transferee is entered on the company 's register as the holder of the shares ( and until then the transferor will not cease to be a member or the legal holder of the shares ) .
19 Article 86 of EC law only deals directly with the abuse of a dominant position , presumably once the firm has achieved that position , and until recently the scope for dealing with mergers which create dominant positions was severely limited .
20 The Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement ( Pasok ) candidate , Yannis Alevras , won 125 votes and Konstantinos Despotopoulos , the candidate of the communist-dominated Coalition of the Left and Progress , and until recently the Education Minister , 21 .
21 The transporters are designed to withstand accidents and until recently the Govenrment ruled out any possibility of a radioactive leak .
22 But Dreadnought , let alone all her other weak places , had been holed amidships by a baulk of timber , and before long the water poured into her with a sound like a sigh and she went down in a few seconds .
23 Three thousand were added to the Church on the day of Pentecost ( 2:41 ) , and before long the number of male believers grew to about 5,000 ( 4:4 ) .
24 I caught a waiter 's eye and before long the drinks arrived ; they were greeted with anything-but-ragged cheers , in which the comic wholeheartedly joined .
25 Owing to its underground atmosphere , it advertised itself for a period as ‘ London 's Only Bohemian Rendezvous ’ and before long the business of drinking took over from chess .
26 Already for nearly a century the syllabub had been keeping company with the trifle , and in due course the trifle came to reign in the syllabub 's stead ; and before long the party pudding of the English was not any more the fragile whip of cream contained in a little glass , concealing within its innocent white froth a powerful alcoholic punch , but a built-up confection of sponge fingers and ratafias soaked in wine and brandy , spread with jam , clothed in an egg-and-cream custard , topped with a syllabub and strewn with little coloured comfits .
27 The girls took advantage of the boys ' sudden inability to catch or shoot and before long the game was over and the girls won 12–8 .
28 The ultimate beneficiaries of these programmes are employers , in all disciplines and in both the manufacturing and service sectors .
29 This matter of cellulose breakdown is of vital importance to the whole question of the nutrition of the living cells , for it has been shown by experiment that raw cellulose can be injurious to plants as it is indigestible to animals , and in both the soil and the digestive tract of herbivora , cellulose decomposition is largely performed by fungi .
30 In Crohn 's ileitis , the same authors found flow to be normal in early stage and reduced in late stage disease , and in both the colon and ileum reduced blood flow was associated with submucosal fibrosis and decreased vascularity .
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