Example sentences of "and [prep] [pers pn] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I mean it , erm , Mr is quite right , and I 'm very surprised at the length of time , I 'm not sure if he 's still in on planning , but he 's certainly been on and off it a lot , erm , has n't worked it out yet .
2 There are , first , two basic rival metaphysical theories , mentalist and materialist , and between them a number of hybrid ontological positions , incorporating in various proportions elements from both these views .
3 Thin streaks of cirrus lay parallel to the horizon , and between them the sun 's orb had become a well-defined sphere of a rich rose-crimson .
4 ‘ I started out with a mission and for me the mission is n't over … and that is to bring the heavyweight title to England . ’
5 And for me the beginning was when I was young ; before the Soviets , before the Nazis .
6 I came to believe that in the S.A.S. he had realised his ideal of chivalry in a contemporary setting ; and that with our marriage and my acceptance of his decision , the two halves of his nature had come together , and for him the enigma of character had been resolved .
7 Those at St Germain never questioned the validity of James II 's acts as King , and for them the Revolution remained totally unjustifiable .
8 The socialist parties thought of themselves as the avant-garde of a class which was striving to bring into existence a new kind of society , and for them the struggle for power of the working class was , in principle , more important than any existing institutions .
9 in the small hours and for her the woods
10 For it can not last much longer , and for us the words of the Führer are gospel . ’
11 Video can bring an assortment of people into the classroom and through them a range of issues .
12 The clouds parted and through them a beam of light fell on Sandweg church .
13 It was a satisfaction to me many years later , when I was a member of a Royal Commission on Tribunals of Enquiry , established to advise how secrets should be dealt with , that I was able to persuade the chairman of the Commission , Lord Salmon , and through him the whole of the Commission , to recommend that there should never again be an inquiry of the Denning type , where a single individual was authorised to investigate any piece of gossip or scandal relating to any prominent public person .
14 The High Authority , and through it the ECSC , suffered a loss of prestige : the supranational agencies , after all , had been established precisely to handle that kind of crisis .
15 Unlike the proceedings of the general council twelve years before , these were the meetings of a debating society , not a struggle for power to control the army and through it the government of the country .
16 The blowhole itself is the hinged flap of a watertight valve , and through it the dolphin can empty and refill its lungs in the unbelievably short time of one-fifth of a second .
17 The sponsorship lasts as long as Kotoko remain in the competition and during it the club will wear Guinness product branded jerseys in all their home matches and Guinness Ghana has exclusive rights to stadium advertising and airtime during all Kotoko international matches on GBC television .
18 So many conductors — and I must say Furtwängler was sometimes one of these — create enormous crescendi ; and after them the music collapses .
19 They were passing over North Gate Bridge , and below them the River Lee flowed on to Cork harbour and the open sea .
20 Captain R.K. Montgomery RE — an old friend of Bill Pritchard and like him a coordinator of demolition squads in the raid — moved them further away .
21 The trees in the grounds were in full , fresh leaf , and behind them the sun declined towards the moorland horizon , its rays making a brilliant silver-gold glare through the tracery .
22 Such blood , and the mud of Culloden , were the last Gaelic colours to fly over Scotland ; the clans looked straight into the mouths of Cumberland 's cannon and died , and with them expired a way of life — the Stewarts of Appin , and the Maclarens , and the Camerons , and the Atholl Brigade , and behind them Ogilvies , and behind them the prince himself .
23 One needs the published histories of the towns and behind them the town records themselves .
24 The bride and groom knelt before the altar , and behind them the benches were packed with nobility from all over Portugal .
25 Grace Poole was making soup over a fire , and behind her a shape crawled on the floor .
26 The old lady sat herself on the red plush sofa and behind her the woodwork of the grand piano gleamed in the dim light .
27 He was standing in a pool of blood and water and behind him a line of bloody footprints marked his painful progress from the showers .
28 Millet grinned and stepped out onto the landing and behind him the door slammed cheerfully .
29 A tidy desk and behind it a man who might have come in on the Saturday afternoon for extra work .
30 Inside the main entrance was a counter , and behind it a door led into the office .
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