Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I could n't spell and about the only time in your life you 're not allowed to use a dictionary is in an English ‘ O ’ level exam . ’
2 It seems as certain as anything can be that the absolute numbers of the old , and for a long time also their number relative to the whole population , will be far higher in future than anything experienced in the past .
3 He was sitting there with his head in his hands ; he did not rise when the train passed ; he made no movement ; he did not give a glance at the signs I made him ; and for a long time as the train was carrying me away , I watched his little motionless , grief-stricken figure , lost in the desert , an image of my own despair .
4 He admired the company 's pre-war products — efficient little sports cars with something of the modern Lotus spirit about them — more than any other car , and for a long time he used Astons on the road .
5 It was the most exciting , extraordinary experience he had ever had , and for a long time afterwards he would bend any ear he could find on the subject .
6 It is a house which has given rise to much aesthetic conjecture , and for a long time it was deemed to be the first seed of the modern movement in England , for it did not appear to be built in any revival style , but in a fresh new one .
7 With things like art nouveau and Edwardian furniture , when David started buying them , I went and got books to get my act together in order that I knew what he was into , but with drugs , I did n't know , added to which David was very secretive and for a long time I was n't aware that he was having a problem , not necessarily from cocaine addiction , which everybody loves to tell you is not addictive , but it is in terms of the fact that you rely on feeling up to cope — you just become more and more paranoid .
8 For me , a century later , it was to be Oxfordshire again , and for a long time to come .
9 He loved life , and for a long time the force was with him .
10 Because she was physically worse after the operation than before it , Rose was convinced that the doctors had made a mistake , and for a long time she wanted to sue them .
11 I attended the funeral and for a long time afterwards we , as a family , used to take flowers to the grave .
12 Suss collaborated at Clara Mosch from 1977 to 1982 and for a long time worked with coloured linocuts .
13 Eventually , the bloody turf wars ceased , and for a long time the authorities either winked at their illegal trade or even helped themselves to the till .
14 Nonetheless , democratic elitists emphasize that centralization of resource distribution and even policy control has developed in parallel with a continuing ( and for a long time expanding ) role for sub-national governments as agents of policy implementation .
15 My husband thought they were a failure and felt embarrassed about them , and for a long time he would n't let me see them .
16 The colour given will be a sort of red , not unlike that of mahogany ; and by afterwards oiling the chair and rubbing it well , and for a long time , with woollen cloths , the veins and shading of elm will be rendered conspicuous .
17 But she had been forbidden by her mother to have anything to do with her Pascoe cousins , and she was sure Tristram was under the same veto as far as she was concerned ; and for a long time — years — she had never even spoken a word to him .
18 But Joseph had always been very devoted to any local news and for a long time the talk of the town had been the Cockermouth man — Fletcher Christian 's — Mutiny .
19 He looked at the photo , and then he looked at Carl carefully and for a long time .
20 It was as easy as anything , and for a long time I , I felt well at least I can get in that way and then I thought oh maybe I should , you know doing , doing anything about it , but now I always go out of the other door
21 Before 18 months , a child wo n't recognise herself in the mirror and for a long time will describe herself in terms of attributes ( like smallness ) and her possessions .
22 German scholarship had done little to add to , and nothing to disrupt , the traditional European pattern of " philology " , as the study of classical antiquity was widely called ( and for a long time continued to be called ) .
23 Finally her arms went gently round his waist , and for a long time they sat there , while he listened to the sounds of the party , and felt — against his side , and within the perimeter his arm made around her — the gentle ebb and flow of her breath , Please , please , do n't come now , Mrs Hunter .
24 It happened almost overnight and for a long time nobody even heard of him . ’
25 There is of course no need to be unduly alarmed at these discrepancies ; we should reflect that any normal language presents numerous instances where certain recalcitrant items refuse to fit into a generally acceptable pattern ( e.g. for no very obvious reason the " expected " adverbs difficultly and longly are not accepted in English and have to be replaced by the phrases with difficulty and for a long time . )
26 But , before he was able to put a name to it , something hit him on the back of the head , and for a long time he knew no more .
27 Afterwards she clung to him , the tears wet on her cheeks , and for a long time they lay together in silence as the light of the October evening faded around them .
28 Luce buried her face against Michele 's neck and for a long time they sat without moving or speaking .
29 I hid it from everyone , ’ he said , when her brows rose in surprise , ‘ and for a long time I hid it from myself .
30 One might call this ‘ applied phonology ’ ; however , the phonological analysis of different languages raises a great number of difficult and interesting theoretical problems , and for a long time the study of phonology ‘ for its own sake ’ has been regarded as an important area of theoretical linguistics .
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