Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [adj] there " in BNC.

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1 Of the three known strong cases for X-ray binaries containing black holes ( Cyg X-1 , LMC X-3 and A0620–00 ) , the first two show no QPO , and for the third there is no information available .
2 In the 19th century and into the 20th there were two Methodist chapels in the village and this was for those of the Primitive Methodist persuasion .
3 Certainly , many were recruited from higher education , and from the 1860s there was a gradual if uneven increase in the number drawn from the less privileged social backgrounds .
4 And within the Six there was an almost unanimous rejection of the British arguments that an institutional framework above that provided by the OEEC was not necessary , and that what the Six wanted to achieve could equally easily be reached by strengthening the OEEC .
5 And in the SenFed there were people and governments willing to pay fortunes for the promise of near-perfect security .
6 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
7 The only difference appears to be that in the one case there is consent and in the other there is not .
8 In the first row there are seven , in the second there are five , in the third there are three and in the fourth there is one .
9 And on the seventh there is our dying .
10 On the one hand there 's Little Liz , and on the other there 's Lovebite ; but just as I think I 've made a decision , the image of Lord Lane comes into my mind and I get all confused again .
11 On the one side was the pain and a great big black hole into which he wanted to sink — it was so restful down there — and on the other there were the surgeon , the nurses and his wife Marlene talking to him constantly , trying to get him to react , to fight back .
12 He blames the current problems on a lack of clear leadership , leading to a policy dilemma : ‘ On the one hand there was the desire to concentrate on the museum 's own collections , and on the other there was the attempt to become part of the dynamic international art scene ’ .
13 Very broadly , members fell into two groups of partnership : on the one hand there were ‘ jobbers ’ , who specialised in buying and selling shares , and on the other there were ‘ brokers ’ , who specialised in performing share deals on the behalf of the public .
14 And on the other there seems to be a view that , well , erm wherever necessary perhaps on a farm or elsewhere that development should be should be permitted .
15 Shadows have lengthened stealthily in the course of The Bellarosa Connection , gathering for what Martin Amis described in later Bellow as ‘ last things , leave-taking , and final lucidities ’ , and at the close there is a quietly affecting image of the narrator setting down his story , alone .
16 The number of boys continued to grow , and by the mid-30s there were 380 , in a building designed for 250 .
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