Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] time i " in BNC.

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1 Not going to school , and having to pretend I did n't live on the island all the time , has meant that I did n't grow up with anybody of my own age ( except Eric , of course , but even he was away for a long time ) , and about the time I was thinking of venturing further afield and getting to know more people Eric went crazy , and things got a bit uncomfortable in the town for a while .
2 The only other event at Huntingdon that I recall with any clarity was when I had my first ever flight in an aircraft — and for a time I was quite determined that it was going to be my last .
3 ‘ The transfer talk did get to me , I admit , and for a time I did n't know whether I was going or coming .
4 Then I injured my knee , and during the time I had off to get my knee better , I discovered that there was life outside the ballet .
5 ‘ And my mother 's on my side , and will talk my uncle round to her way of thinking , and in no time I shall be betrothed to Isabel .
6 He just had time for a quick coffee ( it was now or never ) , and in the time I took to refill the kettle and put coffee into two clean mugs , I 'd told him .
7 And at the time I was desperately shocked by it , as you always are by bad notices — you always remember the bad ones and never the good .
8 ‘ They turned Reading round after that debacle in '88 , and at the time I was very surprised that Vince did n't accept the new contract because it 's become such a prestigious event .
9 She believed in fat babies and at the time I was born , during the war , little was known about nutrition or cholesterol , nor that heart attacks were preventable .
10 There was a ‘ For Sale ’ sign outside , and at the time I was beginning to contemplate leaving Baldersdale — half of me wanted a more suitable place and the other half was telling me to stop at Low Birk Hatt .
11 Cos it was the only , it was either here or the Balloon Woods , cos I was er I was given an emergency placing , it was either here or Balloon Woods , and at the time I did n't fancy Balloon Woods , but I wish I 'd taken it now , I 'd be , I 'd have my own place by
12 ‘ No , you said I 'd handle them and at the time I agreed but now I 've changed my mind , ’ Ruth told him firmly .
13 And by the time I got there I was very cold and hungry .
14 She was singing on stage when we arrived and by the time I had reached my seat I said to the man who was with me , this is the Salome I have been looking for .
15 They tell me if I walk in a certain direction for an hour I 'll come across a road and by the time I set my watch and compass they 've vanished over the dunes .
16 I had to give up caddying when I left school to take up other jobs , but carrying the bags was in my blood and by the time I was twenty-four I was back to caddying full-time .
17 Then I had to go down to the station to get somebody and by the time I came back , most of the stuff had gone .
18 And by the time I came back she had started the smoothing-down process that she was so good at .
19 I started using oil more and more and by the time I was ten I was using Cubist techniques .
20 ‘ The doctor gave me a month 's course and by the time I had finished it , the spots had completely gone .
21 When I left home that baby was n't even thought about and by the time I get home it will be a year old ! ’
22 I started using oil more and more and by the time I was ten I was using Cubist techniques .
23 And by the time I 've finished , the car 's only done ten thousand and it 's ready for sale .
24 And by the time I was ten , I had become her slave .
25 But , he recalls : ‘ I caught a virus on the plane and by the time I arrived in Rio I could n't hear a thing .
26 There was the board of governors sitting at the back on this cold grey Monday and I got up and I did some Shakespeare and by the time I finished , dawn was breaking .
27 I spent it on a bike , carried on doing a paper round , and by the time I was 14 , I was already contributing to the family coffers .
28 As I said , part of Barny 's problem was that he 'd never had any contact with people at all , and by the time I got him it was too late .
29 I go shopping every day , and by the time I come back it 's usually time for the baby to have her food at about twelve — and then she usually sleeps till about two , and then I cook lunch for him [ the two-year-old ] so that in the evening it 's a tea , although it 's usually a cooked tea .
30 I 'm in the middle of a government grant on my house and by the time I get that together and spending money , which I should n't be doing , on junk , y'know , and I want to start a family and that , y'know , and try and be respectable , but it just does n't seem to be available under this health service , this National Health Service , although I do know people who have it prescribed .
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