Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Not going to school , and having to pretend I did n't live on the island all the time , has meant that I did n't grow up with anybody of my own age ( except Eric , of course , but even he was away for a long time ) , and about the time I was thinking of venturing further afield and getting to know more people Eric went crazy , and things got a bit uncomfortable in the town for a while .
2 The greatest areas of concern for tax-payers were about the Revenue 's staff 's apparent lack of authority to deal with certain problems , difficulty in getting through to the right person on the telephone , and about the time it took to resolve problems and answer queries .
3 Gowing goes on to indicate the health hazard arising from the intense alpha activity of polonium at the Windscale site : ‘ Alpha handling procedures had to be greatly upgraded to deal with polonium , and for a time everyone had to work with respirators …
4 The boys had local reactions and quickly recovered but his wife 's arm became very inflamed and for a time her condition gave cause for concern .
5 Nicholson saw them around Sunset Strip and for a time they were joined by Elvis Presley , who had seen Rebel Without a Cause forty-four times and could speak Dean 's lines word perfect .
6 Fabric boots then multiplied , and for a time they looked like sleeping the market , but their disadvantages in poor conditions did not offset their greater comfort in good ones , and some substantial improvement in waterproofing was needed before this could take place .
7 Before they lost Richard Biddle with a hamstring injury , the Quakers looked like they could actually match the ex-Premier League side and for a time they promised to take the lead .
8 You can always look back and say " What if " , but we must remember that we got ourselves out of a couple of scrapes on last two days and for a time we looked absolutely terrible , but we turned it around and could have won .
9 The only other event at Huntingdon that I recall with any clarity was when I had my first ever flight in an aircraft — and for a time I was quite determined that it was going to be my last .
10 ‘ The transfer talk did get to me , I admit , and for a time I did n't know whether I was going or coming .
11 His death quite literally shattered the Prince and for a time he lost all sense of purpose .
12 It destroyed him and for a time he was engulfed by a deep chasm of despair , drinking heavily , taking amphetamines and LSD — and he was in his sixteenth year of smoking marijuana .
13 Jeremy was swiftly ejected from his first job , at the Rotherham Advertiser and for a time he made Paddington Bears for a living .
14 Fergus had not been aware of the precise moment when the Lad of the Skins drew his soul from his body with the Knife of Light , but he had known a great coldness , and a sense of desolation , and an abandonment so complete that it had overwhelmed him , and for a time he had scarcely been aware of what was happening .
15 Reza Khan had promised Ironside that he would not depose Ahmad Shah and for a time he did not .
16 Instead he became a prolific journalist , contributing to at least four daily newspapers , as well as several provincial weeklies ; and for a time he assisted Thomas Hansard [ q.v. ] in publishing parliamentary reports .
17 In Australia , all launching is done this way , and for a time it was common in the U.S.A. The disadvantages , however , of the low tow position are as follows .
18 In February 1973 an eruption suddenly burst out on the tiny island of Heimaey , and for a time it seemed as though the town of Heimaey , Iceland 's biggest fishing port , would be destroyed .
19 Writer Brian Clark gave me the persona of a middle-class , middle-aged professional with a wife problem and for a time it became my trademark .
20 We started many years ago by believing that innovation and uniqueness would provide the revenue to give us a good return , and for a time it did .
21 Gower , in at No. 5 , was left 18 not out , and for a time it seemed that the match had been swung .
22 Then I injured my knee , and during the time I had off to get my knee better , I discovered that there was life outside the ballet .
23 Dana had embraced the dancing and singing lessons with fervour , but Claudia , trailing behind her sister , had been bored to tears by them , and after a time her father had put an end to what he 'd seen as a waste of his money and Claudia 's time .
24 And after a time they accepted it as their vocation to be childless .
25 But the scent was old and after a time they went on again .
26 I said hello , and after a time she remembered who I was .
27 and after a time you know you say ha and you just because the lawyer for the other side always goes for the very worst scenario
28 Hari knocked on the door and after a time it was opened by an elderly lady who stared down at her with a frown .
29 Our house is only a flat , it 's not very long , and from the time it took my sister to leave me , go to the kitchen and tell my mum and bring her back , the baby was in my arms .
30 That brought Nottingham within range and in no time they produced a broadside which knocked Northampton sideways .
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