Example sentences of "and [prep] [verb] out the " in BNC.

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1 Each cell is a unit : it contains genes in the form of DNA , which determine what form the cell will take ; and it contains machinery for protecting and for carrying out the ‘ instructions ’ of those genes .
2 You are responsible for maximising performance by supporting and developing your people and for carrying out the full range of managerial duties and checks as prescribed .
3 It will involve more members with decision making taken by those who are responsible for reporting back to the members and for carrying out the effects of such responsibilities .
4 then said that he found other difficulties in Lord Roskill 's speech in Reg. v. Morris , and after setting out the facts of the case and quoting a long passage from that speech , at p. 332 , and also the answer to the certified question he continued , at pp. 283–284 :
5 they found a room large enough in a dark part of Nightside and after clearing out the bugs , milkcrates , music stands and rusty oil drums , used it as a workshop .
6 Acheson , at least , had practically made up his mind as soon as the French had promised to ratify the Elysee agreements ; and in setting out the arguments to the US Embassy in Bangkok no alternative to recognition was in fact suggested .
7 In " managing " the system at crucial moments ; in neutering the discontent of the working class ; and in holding out the prospect of socialism via Parliament , the Labour Party is seen as part of the problem blocking transformation and so has no part to play in securing socialism .
8 Additional benefits of tree-lined streams , in reducing the effects of nitrates and phosphates in the water and in shading out the choking growth of summer weed in a river bed , which may otherwise necessitate further expensive dredging , have been recognized by Dutch and German scientists for over a decade .
9 Intellectual processes are involved in learning about maintaining a safe environment and in carrying out the many activities involved .
10 This tradition had been reanimated by Sir Philip Sidney in his Astrophil and Stella , but even he , pioneer and inventor though he was , was content to reproduce the standard man-woman relationship while devoting his energies to creating an idiomatic English-speaking voice for Astrophil , and to filling out the persona of the frustrated lover , with all his follies and self-deceptions , hope and disappointment .
11 In the UK the only practical , and politically acceptable , way of creating such ‘ wilderness areas , , would be by freehold purchase ( e.g. by NCC or NT ) involving buying out any existing tenancies or rights and by fencing out the whole unit .
12 In the UK the only practical , and politically acceptable , way of creating such ‘ wilderness areas ’ would be by freehold purchase ( e.g. by NCC or NT ) involving buying out any existing tenancies or rights and by fencing out the whole unit .
13 This is done in two ways : by setting specific targets for disadvantaged population groups and by spelling out the need to change key determinants of health beyond the health care sector .
14 Traditional drainage has accelerated this problem in two ways : by promoting farming methods which require high levels of fertilizer , and by stripping out the buffer of vegetation between the riverside and the fields .
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