Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] time a " in BNC.

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1 Satellite surveillance is all very well , but it takes time to get information back and in that time a naval force can have moved a fair distance .
2 And in that time a whole regiment of cavalry could have got away .
3 Some are better at controlling one pest than another , and at one time a well-stocked garden shed contained enough chemicals to stock a chemist 's shop — but no longer .
4 Let us remember that under Labour inflation was an average 15% and at one time a massive 27% .
5 In the nineteen seventies I ran a school primary team , and at that time a woman refereeing football was quite a novelty .
6 The project review dates are indicated by a vertical dotted line , and at this time a horizontal line is drawn beneath each bar to indicate the progress actually made up to that date .
7 The project review dates are indicated by a vertical dotted line , and at this time a horizontal line is drawn beneath each bar to indicate the progress actually made up to that date .
8 I think she undoubtedly added to the intrigue erm and difficulties of her court , erm one example , she was always getting people that she approved of , getting them plum jobs , and one example was one of the governors of Oxford , the most unpopular , one Sir Arthur Aston , who was so unpopular that he got attacked on the street , and then had to have a body guard paid for the city council , and then was curvetting on his horse in front of some ladies , and fell off and broke his leg so badly that he had to have it amputated , so from then on he had a wooden leg , erm that meant he had to stop being governor , and later on in the war , a countryman was coming into Oxford , and asked the sentinel ‘ who was governor still ’ , and by that time a friend of prince Rupert 's Sir William Leg was governor , and the answer was ‘ one Leg ’ , and the countryman 's reply was ‘ pox on him , is he governor still ? ’ .
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