Example sentences of "and [prep] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once he hummed a snatch of song , which was something about hunting Humans for the Fidchell and about turning them on spits and serving them up as Manpie .
2 There is an overwhelming case for giving the D.O. , the most important unit in the whole machine , more responsibility , and for saving him from dancing attendance on Residents who notoriously dodge responsibility .
3 The accounts department is responsible for ensuring that top management is aware of the financial state of the company and for advising it on appropriate actions to ensure that it remains sound .
4 The accounts department is responsible for ensuring that top management is aware of the financial state of the company and for advising it on appropriate actions to ensure that it remains sound .
5 For instance , Tomsk , founded in 1604 on the orders of Tsar Boris Godunov , around 60 kilometres from the confluence of the Ob and Tom rivers , ‘ served as a defensive post for protection against attacks by the local population and for subjecting them to the payment of yasak ’ .
6 That is now the task of the Chief of Defence Staff and his Central Staff , who are responsible for formulating national military strategy , and for expressing it to the government of the day and within the Whitehall market-place .
7 The warden was responsible for the safe keeping in the castle gaol of ordinary prisoners and political prisoners , as well as Forest offenders , and for delivering them on bail on receipt of the appropriate writ .
8 On the other hand they are criticised for making so much money in a world that pampers them , and for covering themselves in sponsors ' deals to the point that the locker-room at the Players ' Championship sometimes seems like Gasoline Alley at the Indy 500 .
9 Left alone with Carrie , Joe sat watching her pour the boiling water into the earthenware teapot , and after bringing it to the table and setting it on a stand , she smiled at him and said softly , ‘ How are you ? ’
10 One of the best descriptions of the landscape of Madeira is that given by White and Johnson ( Madeira. : Its Climate and Scenery , 1860 ) : ‘ When Columbus was asked by Queen Isabella to give her some notion of the configuration of Jamaica , it is said that he took up a sheet of paper , and after crushing it in his hand , partly opened it out ; then placing it on the table , he told her Majesty that she would derive a better idea of the island from the crumpled paper than from any description conveyed in words .
11 I waited a little and after weighing it in my mind continued , ‘ They think if they 're not shot at once , then they will be when they 're no longer useful .
12 So I skulked round the pub , had a burger and a pint and after embarrasing myself by asking two likely candidates if they were Mark , I shot off .
13 he advanced above three hundred debased field negroes who had never before moved without the whip to a state resembling that of contented , honest and industrious servants and after paying them for their labour , tripled the annual neat [ sic ] clearance of his Estate .
14 … The judges deputed to the benchers of the societies the task of giving lectures , and examining into the sufficiency of the candidates , and of calling them to the Bar , but they are still mere voluntary societies ; and they act by the authority which the judges have delegated to them .
15 For the rest of us , coming to terms with our grey hair and living with it may be a practical way of encouraging us to come to terms with our chronological age and of easing ourselves into a new age group .
16 The Malaysians hoped in particular that , once relations between Hanoi and Bangkok were normalised , the concept of neutralisation would gather new momentum because ASEAN would recognise the importance of detaching Indo-Chinese communism from the communism of China and the USSR , and of merging it in the mainstream of Southeast Asian nationalism .
17 As to this Lord Roskill said , at p. 333 : ‘ That was not , of course , a label switching case , but it is a plain case of appropriation effected by the combination of the acts of removing the goods from the shelf and of concealing them in the shopping bag .
18 Existing contractual arrangements are inadequate as a means both of attracting sufficient high calibre practitioners to work in London and of rewarding them for providing an appropriate range of services .
19 What are the prospects of obtaining a quantum theory of gravity and of unifying it with the other three categories of interactions ?
20 One of the most successful ways of giving a different quality to the steps and poses of classical dance and of transforming them into demi-caractère style is to relate them intimately to appropriate music .
21 But , he argues , the placing of politics — ‘ the art of foreseeing war and of winning it by every means ’ — before morality overlooks the extent to which war constitutes the philosophical concept of being itself .
22 It follows from these conjectures that members of literate societies have the possibility of developing logical functions , of specialising in the ‘ truth functions ’ of language , and of extracting themselves from the embeddedness of everyday social life .
23 In this case I am satisfied that the doctors were justified in disregarding the written instructions of Miss T. and of treating her on the basis of an emergency .
24 $28,000 million in 1990-91 , and of halving it to Can .
25 Is it not also a fact that in this case it is clear that , if the Court of Appeal believes that he had no intention of flouting a court order and of putting himself above the law , that should be good enough for the rest of us ?
26 The didactic approach of preaching to ‘ learners ’ ( rather than ‘ students ’ ) and of spoonfeeding them with preset values and objectives is gradually being replaced by a much more human approach where students are enabled to question and study , and to add to knowledge themselves as they extract the best from individual learning experiences .
27 For the employers , however , the ‘ new technology ’ was a means of re-establishing control over the industry and of driving it into profit .
28 Kosovo was in favour of democratic centralism , Morina said , and against replacing it with multiparty elections , since pluralism would lead to dangerous divisions between nationalities .
29 redeploying some of their skills — over and above applying them in work with failing , disheartened or work-refusing children — for working with fellow professionals whose expectations may likewise be in conflict with those of the would-be supporter , just as those of work-refusing children tend to be in conflict with those of their teachers .
30 Pride will prevent me from receiving God 's forgiveness and mercy , and from transmitting it to others .
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