Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once I had said my thanks and farewells to William and to the immense policeman who had silently accompanied us throughout the afternoon , I headed away down the rutted tracks , rather glad to be back on the road and off back to Panama City .
2 The right hon. Gentleman will be aware that the draft of the treaty at Maastricht today provides for the improvement of employees ' working conditions , for legal protection and for entitlement to consultation and to information .
3 The qualifying limit for house purchase loans and for loans to persons aged 65 and over to purchase life annuities secured on their main residence is £30,000 .
4 This means that schoolgirls are ineligible for a wide range of courses in further and higher education and for entry to occupations requiring a scientific or technical base .
5 These configurations were found to have implications both for flows of mutual aid , which tend to occur between those of similar employment status and notably between the unemployed , and for access to employment .
6 Throughout the year we have all had to pay huge amounts for advertising and for fees to PR firms and City advisers .
7 Limitations on the amount recoverable for loss of life ( some £38,000 under the 1974 Athens Convention ) and for losses to cargo and vehicles show that the haulier has to be very careful when undertaking operations involving cross-channel ferries .
8 Construction work on the reactor , intended to generate electricity both for domestic use and for sale to Belgium and the Netherlands , had commenced in 1972 , and it had been due to start operating in 1979 .
9 Construction work on the reactor , which had been intended to generate electricity both for domestic use and for sale to Belgium and the Netherlands , had commenced in 1972 , and it had been due to start operating in 1979 .
10 Three outdoor enthusiasts have walked and cycled across the Pennines and through Europe to Istanbul in an effort to promote the proposed Trans-Pennine Way and send greetings of goodwill from 30 local authorities to European mayors .
11 It can climb to 25ft-30ft , and through summer to October it has rather insignificant pale cream flowers with excellent fragrance .
12 Further , 25% of tutors ' fees were not grant-aided and thus had to be met from other sources principally donations , subscriptions and through appeals to branches , with some assistance from the National WEA when its own difficult financial position allowed , usually about £50 a year .
13 When the station arrangements at Bulawayo in Southern Rhodesia were reorganized in 1960 , a special African station was built near the African locations , ostensibly for the convenience of African travellers but , one suspects , rather for the comfort of the Whites , who secured more exclusive use of the main Bulawayo station with its important connections to Salisbury , the Victoria Falls , and through Bechuanaland to Kimberley and the Cape .
14 He and his colleagues performed a variety of laboratory experiments in which men 's attitudes and responses to rape were tested before and after exposure to pornography .
15 It involves two of the most intimate personal relationships , that of husband to wife , and of parent to child
16 In 1325 escheators were made responsible for keeping duplicates of inquisitions of diem clausit and of returns to chancery ; in 1326 a calendar of Contrariant lands was begun , a roll of serjeanties in various counties compiled and further auditors were appointed .
17 Fourthly , the 1966 White Paper made it plain that at that time it was the government 's intention that the polytechnics should remain primarily teaching institutions ; as the DES notes of guidance subsequently indicated , research would be justified only in so far as it was of educational value to the teaching staff and of benefit to industry and business .
18 There were also territorial ties , of lord and tenant , and of feoffees to uses and personal connections , such as those of executors .
19 Radical Whigs in the early 1680s had challenged the Crown 's control of the armed forces and of appointment to office : the Rye House Plotters wanted the militia placed " in the hands of the people " ; Monmouth had insisted that judges should not hold their commissions at the King 's pleasure but rather " during good behaviour " .
20 There has been healthy demand recently in newly-rich China , which has a tradition of buying gold and of susceptibility to inflation .
21 This uniformity expresses that which occurs in the progress of autumn to winter , of day to night , and of fire to ashes just as the symmetry in the rhythm show light and dark .
22 Or if you feel unappreciated by others , ‘ I am loved and of value to others . ’
23 Heads ' management styles should encourage a sense of collective responsibility among teachers , and of commitment to school among pupils and parents ; their management training should be directed towards this .
24 Initially the main focus was on experimental production but , as the movement gained ground , questions of audience and of access to technology and skills became increasingly important .
25 He is charged with leading the team and with day to day liaison with the Lexicographer Group .
26 Writing in 1959 and with reference to Peter Townsend 's calculation that a fifth of the population had not shared in the general improvement in living standards since the war , Roy Jenkins argued :
27 Let us accept the shifting of taste , and let us show our faith in the Great Tradition by teaching as much as possible of the literature we admire , without worrying too much about canons and with attention to variety rather than moral unity .
28 It is clear that yield can vary quite considerably with coupon for the same term to maturity , and with term to maturity for different coupons .
29 The EAT provides a more extensive assessment of consonants and consonant blends than does the Goldman-Fristoe test , but the latter is more systematic in that , for each consonant included in the test , articulation is examined with respect to three word positions and with respect to production within sentences .
30 And with aid to refugees at the centre of the row , Mrs Hilali insists that Kurds in this country can speak up for her .
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