Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] within a " in BNC.

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1 Rising levels of output , high employment , rising living standards and expanded trade within a relatively stable framework of international finance marked the ‘ long post-war boom ’ that stretched from the mid-1940s through the 1950s , 1960s and part of the 1970s .
2 I have found Roman , medieval and Georgian losses within a few yards when working suburban grass verges .
3 Curiously , Gill and Jackson are aware of the problem of identity confusion but believe that it can be avoided if black children are placed transracially when very young : ‘ it is possible that older black children may , by the time a placement has occurred , have already internalised a definition of themselves as being black and that this definition may jeopardise the possibility of integration and emotional identification within a white family ’ ( p. 138 ) .
4 Understanding what is written or spoken does not merely involve understanding the meaning of individual words plus their syntactic and semantic relationship within a sentence .
5 Especially because of all the evidence that different species , and different processes within a single organism , use variants of similar molecular mechanisms to carry out specified tasks , those with the good fortune to have the time to think about the data accumulating in the literature would probably reap a rich harvest of understanding .
6 As a result of the Oxford Conference of 1937 , J. H. Oldham established a group of Christian intellectuals with the purpose of discussing political and social problems within a Christian context — a more ambitious version of the Chandos Group ; it was known as the Moot , and among its members were Karl Mannheim , Middleton Murry , Alec Vidler as well as Eliot himself .
7 To begin with , we have to draw a distinction between spatial and temporal relations within a " phenomenological " space and time , and spatial and temporal relations within an objective framework .
8 Her own position , forcefully argued at every turn , is that masculinity is ‘ a heterogeneous set of ideas , constructed around assumptions of social power , which are lived out and reinforced , or perhaps denied and challenged , in multiple and diverse ways within a whole social system in which relations of authority , work , and domestic life are organised , in the main , along hierarchical gender lines ( p. 288 ) .
9 Chatsworth is the grandest of gardens , with canals , fountains , cascades and magnificent glasshouses within a 1,000 park .
10 This ability to summon up images , both photographic and diagrammatic , and explanatory texts within a matter of seconds is quite hypnotic , and very much in line with the television mind-set of the computer generation .
11 It is not always realised that by some , perhaps Puritanical , compensatory instinct a true Rococo house enshrines its riotous and self-indulgent interior within a particularly severe exterior masonry of canted bays and minimal decorative devices .
12 Food importers said supermarkets were stockpiling tinned supplies and gave warning that there would be shortages of pilchards and corned beef within a few weeks .
13 Comparing the approaches of accommodation theory and variationism , we find that the first is concerned with the pattern of speakers ' behaviour in particular encounters , the second with the overall trends of variability and changing norms within a community .
14 Removal of the clays uncovered four houses , two oval and two round , and twelve pits within a 10x15m area ; only two quadrants of each house have been excavated .
15 Two are related to the national revolution and to the growth of the nation-state : the first reflected differences between subject and dominant cultures within a multi-cultural society ( such as Switzerland and , in a recent development mobilizing a bias that was previously only potential , Belgium : Murphy , 1988 ) ; the second reflected differences between religious and secular authority , representing the ‘ old ’ and the ‘ new ’ in views about the location of power ( again , as in Switzerland , and also in The Netherlands ) .
16 Through CFD simulations , they gain a more detailed understanding of the heat and mass flows within a process and this helps them to :
17 The work that Roger Penrose and I did between 1965 and 1970 showed that , according to general relativity , there must be a singularity of infinite density and space-time curvature within a black hole .
18 Nevertheless , in a conciliatory statement following the announcement of the first round results heralding the HDZ victory , Tudjman professed caution on the issue of Croatian separatism , suggesting that a HDZ government would be content with Croatian sovereignty and greater independence within a confederal Yugoslavia , and would respect Serb interests .
19 These factors differ among communities and between rural and urban areas within a country .
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