Example sentences of "and [adj] [vb base] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Trade references from the 1880s and 1890s refer to the millers as John Wilkins and Sons .
2 It may be concluded , therefore , that the advantages which Categories 1 and 2 afford to the prosecution are by no means as great as they might at first sight appear to be .
3 Valine 172 and the disulphide bridge residues 110 and 174 contribute to the hydrophobic core of domain 2 , after which the path of the main chain is locked to continue on into solution by Pro 175 .
4 Ho everyone that is weary and sad come to the fountain , there 's fullness in Jesus , all that you 're longing for !
5 ‘ In our relatively small classes , lifetime bonds of friendship and mutual trust are formed , and these contribute to the loyalty of our members to their Institute and the profession .
6 From the centre of the plant flower buds develop , and these grow to the water surface and blossom .
7 Oak is the most commonly used wood for smoking meat in the UK but other varieties are also used and all contribute to the final flavour of the ham .
8 The occupations open to a man were , by our standards , exceedingly few , and those open to a woman narrower still .
9 At such occasions , actors ' glasses are on and off more times than their love affairs … and millions thrill to the sound of ‘ …
10 At such occasions , actors ' glasses are on and off more times than their love affairs — and millions thrill to the sound of ‘ …
11 The fourth and fifth relate to a long-standing debate about the purpose of RE — this is the " confessional " approach which starts off from the assumption of the truth of a particular religious viewpoint and seeks to nurture pupils within , or strongly encourage them towards accepting , that viewpoint .
12 A and B were liable on a joint and several guarantee to a bank for the account of a company .
13 There was a more relaxed and unstilted feel to the interviews .
14 BOTH these books deal with the question of whether low-level exposure to lead has important effects on behaviour and intelligence , and both come to a rather positive conclusion .
15 When he gets to the event and discovers that the people there are friendly , interesting and pleasant company — and most belong to the same political party — he will begin to think .
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