Example sentences of "and [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its body is held upright and what was the dorsal fin has become an undulating rear engine , which with the help of whirling pectorals on either side , enables it to move erect and stately through the corals and weed forests .
2 He was on his way south from a place called Nunyerry when , he said , monsoon clouds forced him to fly lower and lower into the Turner Ranges , one of those areas of outback Australia that are so inhospitable that even the local animals hibernate below ground .
3 The taxi drove along the quiet country roads , and the sky turned pink and purple as the sun got lower and lower in the west .
4 The percentage of work-satisfied housewives is higher in the group with a high specification and lower in the group with a medium or low specification .
5 … his wretched father , who had each year sunk lower and lower in the underworld , had been a gentleman once , a man who had been familiar with good manners and had been educated in the customs of good breeding .
6 The high sequence homology of Oct-11 to Oct-1 and Oct-2 in the POU domain strongly suggested that Oct-11 would be able to bind to an octamer motif .
7 The face had changed — there was something unkind , and cruel about the mouth .
8 There was something unkind , and cruel about the mouth .
9 There is love in it , and hate , and fear , and a man called Heathcliff , who is strong and cruel like the devil himself .
10 Indeed on the nineteenth of January the Noble Earl Lord told me that of the three hundred and sixty letters which had been received from a wide variety of organisations representing people of totally different political opinions and that following the publication of the White Paper .
11 Even when they bent to sip tea , their sharp eyes , like those of wary creatures at a water hole , flickered this way and that above the teacup rims .
12 Of course in both our own case and that of the Nuristanis horns express aggressive male sexuality .
13 i am certainly in favour of questioning , both on my part and that of the patient , but it is better to do this towards the end of the consultation when the regression itself is over .
14 As far as the sharing and common ownership of property is concerned what is important is to notice the contrast between the communism of the Acts which was spontaneous and voluntary and that of the Essenes which was strictly organised and fixed by law .
15 Secondly Shinwell claimed that his local policy of organising shore workers as well as seamen was vetoed by Wilson and that this was a subject of an investigation from head office by Wilson 's lieutenants Captain Tupper and Father Charles Hopkins which resulted in his dismissal and that of the branch committee .
16 This is of course to beg the question of where the dividing line between the interest of the nation state and that of the EEC is to be drawn .
17 The last pre-war years saw counter-productive oscillations over such questions as the legal rights to be granted to trade unions , repeated clashes between the Ministry of Finance and that of the Interior , sharp conflict between civilian and military leaders , massive ill-judged increases in naval expenditure at the expense of the army , and the disruption of an ever more complex administrative structure .
18 Where the accounts are prepared using merger accounting , show : an analysis of the current year 's attributable profit before extraordinary items between pre- and post-merger an analysis of the attributable profit before extraordinary items of the current year up to the date of the merger and of the previous year between that of the issuing company and that of the subsidiary .
19 Finally , in this summary and highly compressed review of our methodological origins , let us note how the French structuralism of Claude Lévi-Strauss , which enjoys such a vogue at present , stems directly from that of Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski , and , in a sense , achieves a new synthesis between their styles of analysis and that of the diffusionists .
20 George Forwell , Glasgow 's director of public health , said that the official gap between the city 's health and that of the rest of Scotland is growing worse .
21 To stress the difference between his position and that of the transmutationists , Agassiz insisted that the development revealed by the fossil record was discontinuous .
22 Kandel , trained as a psychiatrist , spent a period working on Aplysia with Ladislav Tauc in Paris in the 1960s , saw the potential of the organism , initially for the study of short-term processes such as habituation , and over the subsequent quarter-century in New York he has made its study peculiarly his own and that of the generations of researchers who have cut their teeth in this Columbia laboratory .
23 The Poles looked back to two periods of greatness — the kingdom of the Piasts , which disintegrated in the twelfth century , and that of the Jagiellonians under whose rule Poland 's frontiers were extended from the Baltic to the Black Sea .
24 These principles , and that of the independence of the media , were to be guaranteed by a new body , the Supreme Mass Communication Council .
25 Green himself had been turned away from a polling station in the capital , Georgetown , for lack of identity papers ; this prompted his supporters , drawn from slum districts , to go on the rampage , attacking the Commission 's headquarters and that of the PPP and looting and vandalising scores of Indian shops .
26 It has been possible to reconstruct the complete instrument , which was a brass portable sundial with a geared calendar that showed the approximate shape of the moon and its age in days and may also have shown its position and that of the sun in the zodiac .
27 It appears that mainframe manufacturing and that of the chips that go into them will bear the brunt of the increase in voluntary redundancies and plant consolidations announced by IBM Corp last week — and Wall Street , which typically greets news of cuts as positive , is not at all happy with the latest round .
28 There was probably a space eighteen inches deep or more between the roof of the car and that of the tunnel .
29 Her position , and that of the Treasury , was fortified by election successes and economic recovery .
30 The key of the TIMETABLE relation is taken from the key of the COURSE relation ( course-number ) and that of the LECTURER relation ( lecturer-number ) .
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