Example sentences of "and [verb] down the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A computer chip checks voltage levels within the battery , and slows down the recharging process if this increases too rapidly , thereby , according to Innovations , avoiding the danger of explosive gases building up .
2 The big moment came : she opened her hand and laid down the burdened flower by Maman 's plate .
3 So Summerchild locks up his office and goes down the narrow staircase .
4 Heseltine faced the tactical dilemma that were he to campaign openly and be seen to be instrumental in splitting the party and bringing down the Prime Minister , he would be criticised as divisive and disloyal .
5 He was responding to Monday 's claim in the Belfast Irish News that at least three dozen officers were members of a secret ‘ inner circle ’ which had the objects of ‘ removing ’ republican suspects and bringing down the Anglo-Irish agreement .
6 An elderly Indian woman in a sari is closing up and bringing down the grated gate .
7 FINLAND 'S government yesterday announced an emergency economic austerity package to stem an outflow of investment capital from the country that is threatening to force a major devaluation and bring down the centre-right administration .
8 Taken by surprise and fear of the other the boy lost his balance and tumbled down the grassy bank towards the stranger but to the boy 's incredulous gaze the figure melted into thin air .
9 She balled her fists and fought down the growing desolation inside her .
10 It was instinct — the natural reaction of a predatory male — that made Ibn Fayoud smile back and press down the automatic window beside him .
11 At Burford , they left the main road and headed down the sloping High Street .
12 Dietary fibre is a sponge-like material which absorbs and holds water as it is chewed in the mouth and passes down the gastro-intestinal tract .
13 Forsooth , my lord , quoth 1 , your sheep that were wont to be so meek and tame and so small eaters , now , I hear say , be become so great devourers and so wild , that they eat up and swallow down the very men themselves .
14 Without a moment 's delay Aunt Tossie got up and sailed down the long room , the ends of her boa floating out behind her , careless majesty in her gait .
15 As I sat there , the china spewed forth from the open door and cascaded down the ready-made ramp into my lap .
16 I clasp the mahogany handle just as the door shivers its infection and walk down the crazy paving path as each stone vaporises one step behind me .
17 Bouncing and bucking down the rough , uneven scrubland of the sloping ground beyond , it finally fetched up hard when it smashed head-on into a rocky outcrop .
18 and ski down the green pit stack .
19 The midday sun glinted against the bronze bas-reliefs of famous battle scenes on Napoleon 's column as Chantal steered the Harley-Davidson through the place de l'Opéra and turned down the busy rue de la Paix .
20 Every few weeks I would get one or two days off duty to catch the ferry to Nanaimo and motor down the scenic Malahat Drive to Victoria .
21 A man emerged from a nearby tobacconist 's , lit his pipe , and threw down the lighted match , causing an explosion which blew out the windows of the Bank .
22 A French lieutenant holding a bunker in the village noted that under the bombardment ‘ this vast block , 30 metres square , oscillated , at times actually rising up , like a ship ’ Yet still the suicide machine-gun nests stayed behind in the pulverised debris and mowed down the German assault waves .
23 We collected our horses , took leave of Santerre and galloped down the frozen , cobbled track as if Mandeville intended to waste no time in reaching Glastonbury before nightfall .
24 Mad Eric has personalised his scum top by wearing the collar standing up and ironing down the front corners to make it look like a cravat — he now looks like Victorian Dad out of Viz. Berk .
25 On June 5th of that year he suddenly appeared at Racedown — ‘ he did not keep to the high road , but leaped over a gate and bounded down the pathless field ’ .
26 There is also evidence to suggest that a diet higher in fruits and vegetables and lower in red meats and animal protein can reduce stress and slow down the ageing process .
27 Police are trying to find out what caused the car to go out of control , cross the road and overturn down the steep embankment at just after 1pm .
28 I climbed the two flights of stairs and walked down the rickety balcony which led to Ellen 's small end room .
29 With a final searching look at the haunted image in the mirror she drew herself up with a deep breath and walked down the narrow passage to meet him .
30 singing We are happy , on Wednesday fourteenth of July , nineteen ninety three , on Trent F M and skipping down the yellow brick road of life with Deanna Carol and her Special kind of love .
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