Example sentences of "and [verb] down to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Slightly irritated he thinks that there is something wrong with the lock and goes down to reception for assistance .
2 Light fittings : Remove covers , tubes or bulbs and bring down to ground level unless an access platform is used .
3 She pulled a fresh pile of paper from her desk drawer , sharpened her pencil and got down to work .
4 It had n't taken Sister Anne long to discover how intelligent Topaz was and , as the former was a born teacher , she forgot all about the gold earrings and the unseemly deportment and got down to business .
5 That would be a very good thing , she shouted back , but her inner self did n't agree and , muttering under her breath at her unruly self , she pushed unanswerable questions to the back of her mind and got down to business .
6 I just slipped out , walked down a corridor , out through a side exit and came down to home .
7 And said , oh , let's go and find a cup of coffee but , have a bit of a walk and walk down to conference but we 'll not walk down the prom
8 Thursday dawned as dully as the day before and Fabia got out of bed and went through the routine of getting showered and dressed and going down to breakfast with a total lack of enthusiasm or appetite .
9 When are the teachers going to stop being political animals and get down to teaching rather than try to score points off the Government ?
10 It was only once she was sure that Emily was asleep that she would pull out her plastic bag and get down to work .
11 You get ‘ funny ’ results for the first couple of weeks … lets hope that we learn lessons , and get down to work .
12 Initially girls would waste a lot of time being polite to one another rather than getting things done : too polite to choose a chief and get down to work .
13 I suggest we make ourselves comfortable and get down to business . ’
14 Juliet picked up the orange folder and walked down to Room G at the far end of the ward .
15 When they die , often due to punctures received during the rutting season , they deflate and plunge down to earth , exploding as they strike the Tarmac .
16 Fabia snapped her suitcase shut and rang down to Reception for some help with train times .
17 The chicken was delicious , and Lisa was feeling revitalised as she made herself some coffee and settled down to work .
18 And er she says like when I think of me keeping her child overnight and all before it 's in hospital and running down to hospital three or four times when he was in the hospital , and taking him sweets and all , and she says she 's treating me like shit .
19 I dressed and shaved and went down to breakfast under the colonnade .
20 She said goodbye to her mother and went down to tea .
21 She was determined that it was n't he who had affected her appetite either , and went down to dinner that night and ate quite a substantial meal , only to return to her room and spend the next hour again having trouble ousting the wretched man .
22 For two or three hundred years British pastures were widely being ploughed up and put down to grain to feed a fast-growing human population .
23 He could have a change of heart and settle down to family life . ’
24 He queued miserably outside the nearer of the two occupied lavatories for five minutes until it was vacated by a depressed-looking oriental , washed and shaved unhappily in cold water , put on his ridiculous uniform and ran down to breakfast .
25 The hang is by the curator , Tomas Llorens , former artistic director of the Reina Sofía and a specialist in twentieth-century art , and is conventionally chronological , beginning with the thirteenth century on the top floor and working down to Cubism , Surrealism , Pop Art and Neo-Expressionism on the ground floor , with the earlier works , up to German Expressionism , outnumbering modern art by three to one .
26 He made himself a warm , milky drink and sat down to work .
27 They moved into the next room and sat down to dinner .
28 Stops the music-hall turn , and comes down to earth .
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