Example sentences of "and [verb] for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He therefore gave authority to one Edward Sawyer to make inquiries , and to search for evidence in all houses and places in Kettering and five miles around .
2 In this first study , the European-ness of the 1989 elections will be explored in depth to see whether there are differences between EC countries , and to search for clues about likely future changes .
3 Travelling accommodation seems to have been very casual and limited for JTR on occasion , more like hostelling .
4 The Errol Flynn looks crumbled with age , and the man whose strike rate in first-class cricket was better than O'Reilly 's , Mailey 's or Grimmett 's entered the twilight world of trampdom under the bridges of the Yarra , drinking meths and fossicking for food in garbage-bins .
5 Mr Lumley said parallel trade had become so great that eight in 10 High Street chemists in Britain regularly dispensed drugs made in Britain , exported to France , say , and re-imported for sale to NHS patients .
6 They also inevitably include such universally popular compositions as Dowland 's ‘ Lachrimae Pavin' which seems to have originated as a lute solo , been turned into a song ( ‘ FIow , my tears ’ ) , arranged for viol consort with six sequels in the 1605 book , and arranged for virginals by Byrd , Morley , and Farnaby .
7 The doctor came , and arranged for Esther to be re-admitted to the gynaecological ward of the hospital so that she could continue nursing the baby , if possible .
8 The company 's doctor was on the spot in no time , attended the patients , examined the sanitary arrangements , disinfected and closed the station well , and arranged for tanks of pure water to be conveyed from 62 miles away .
9 It also offers powder skiing weeks off-piste with a local guide in Klosters and Grindelwald for £199 to £295 on top of the holiday cost .
10 Saw children into playground and checked for staff on duty .
11 Recorded interviews and reports of observations were transcribed verbatim and checked for accuracy before analysis .
12 He felt like the boy 's father ; he loved and cared for Grégoire as if he were his son .
13 He told them how morally indefensible was the policy of apartheid , and asked for prayer for Africa .
14 The government has declared a state of emergency and asked for assistance from the US .
15 Some time after this Mrs Meehan wrote to me that her husband was innocent , and asked for assistance in having his case reviewed .
16 He picked up the phone again and asked for Agnes at the Mount Row number .
17 In 1985 Cox 's paper was timely and asked for shifts in American Irish and British labour politics in a wholly correct way .
18 But without doubt the most contentious defector to reach the West was Anatoli Golitsin , who arrived at the office of the CIA 's station chief in Helsinki in Finland in December 1911 and asked for asylum for himself , his wife and daughter .
19 He was refused entry to Kuwait and asked for asylum in France.President Giscard d'Estaing asked the Shah his views and the Shah made one of the worst mistakes in his reign by agreeing the Khomeini should go to France , He assumed that the obstreperous priest would be les of a threat to him in distant , Christian France than in neighbouring , radical , Islamic country .
20 As Gerry and his fellow villagers talked of the better days to come , a carload of American tourists pulled up in the street beside him and asked for directions to ‘ Dannygal ’ .
21 The RAC removed 89 parts from the stack and asked for replacements from the spares stock .
22 I see from my files that Simon Murison-Bowie sent you two copies of the Agreement for this tape which required signing on behalf of the University of Toronto and return to us , and asked for confirmation of your tape specification requirements in his letter of 19 February .
23 With my letter , I sent you two copies of an Agreement that had been drawn up for signature on behalf of AT&T , and asked for confirmation of your tape specification requirements .
24 It was Don who made the effort ; he bought the local paper and looked at ads for houses ; he phoned estate agents and asked for lists of properties .
25 The appellant firm provided tax consultancy and accounting services and registered for VAT in October 1986 .
26 I intended to study , and registered for courses on Spanish language and literature .
27 Many of these children are prepared and placed for adoption with strangers , and part of the package is that they will no longer see or be in contact with relatives who have remained in touch during their stay in care .
28 She is a founder member of the Medau Society , qualifying as a Medau teacher in 1958 and taught for ILEA for 20 years and now greatly enjoys being a class member .
29 We left after breakfast on the Monday and stopped for lunch near Montdidier .
30 It is usual to follow patients who have been diagnosed and treated for syphilis for a period of two years to make sure that the treatment is effective and that relapse does not occur .
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