Example sentences of "and [verb] her over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gary got up , took Paula by the arm and led her over to the low sofa .
2 On one such incident I was in command of Venturous patrolling in the Straits of Dover at the end of a very busy Bank Holiday , during which we had followed a suspect yacht from just outside Calais , and handed her over to our special unit in Dover .
3 The policeman took her gently by the arm and walked her over to the counter .
4 Lorimer grinned and beckoned her over to the long windows .
5 For at last the witch was weakened by Carmellina 's guile , and hoisted her to her feet , and pulled her over to the window and pointed down the stony path that led to one of her lair 's doors , and to the Indian fig cacti growing there in bat-eared monster shapes , and said , ‘ I 've always fancied a new little number , made to measure , of stuff woven from prickly-pear skins , bit of red for excitement , but mainly green , it 's so elegant , do n't you think , with long sleeves and a full skirt sweeping around me , with a bit of a train … .
6 Went and pulled her over for it .
7 Her carried her up to the solar and delivered her over to the care of his sister and Ellen , leaving her with a look in his blue eyes that clearly said later .
8 He raised an eyebrow and looked her over from head to toe .
9 She 's not comi oh what do you want me to do , pick her up and carry her over to the house ?
10 She saw the woman summon a footman and point at her , and the footman duly arrived to collect Artemis and take her over to her father and his friend .
11 She felt them lift her and take her over to the low stone wall beside the glimmering field of water-chestnuts .
12 The next February he awakened his bride from her melancholy sleep and carried her over to the window , where , on looking out , she saw the landscape covered in white .
13 He kept hold of her hand once the music had ended and lead her over to the french windows .
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