Example sentences of "and [verb] her into [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had it all worked out : the hand over her mouth , the knife under her eyes , and drag her into the dark shed .
2 He untied Dobbs and led her into a large dark shed .
3 But it took a trained observer to follow her through the quicksands of her disapprobation ; a false step on the part of one of the aunts , for instance , could have reversed her attitude , and led her into a eulogy of black , into a martyred position whence the garments of all the others were an insult to her lone and exclusive widowhood , into a position where she alone had the right to flout the weight of tradition .
4 I stood up , took Flavia 's hand and led her into a little room .
5 He saw her state at once and without another word took her arm and led her into the little sitting room .
6 Elisabeth put her hand under Rosa Jacobsen 's elbow and led her into the cottage .
7 As he took his hostess 's arm and led her into the dining-room , he did not glance again at Madeleine .
8 After the caretaker had unlocked the big front door and disappeared down the drive , Harry took Madeleine 's arm and led her into the drawing-room .
9 Then he picked up the two bags and led her into the terminal .
10 He put his arm around her and led her into the room , and Maggie got up to go .
11 I took her hand and led her into the centre of the dancers , as the light failed over Wimbledon .
12 He took her hand and led her into the atrium , where she turned and went into his arms .
13 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
14 ‘ My pleasure , ’ he murmured , and , lifting her easily into his arms , he carried her up the stairs and lowered her into the middle of the huge old bed .
15 A mother who has put her daughter on the stage and made her into a teenage star is obviously aware that she is moulding something special .
16 It fastened on Mala like a grasping hand and snatched her into the air .
17 It twisted and turned and bore her into an ominous and derelict suburb , stark in the orange street lights .
18 Lucenzo ruthlessly hurried the shaken Meredith through a small door , to the sound of indulgent ribaldry , and drew her into a small salotto .
19 He put his arm through Therese 's and drew her into a corner of the room .
20 Mrs Lennox threw an arm around Maggie and drew her into the kitchen .
21 Things that filled her with joy and drew her into the everyday lives of the two people she had loved for so many lonely years .
22 He closed his hand on her arm and drew her into the gloom of the passage .
23 Jenna stood in the doorway and glared up at him and he simply took her arm and drew her into the room , closing the door firmly .
24 Colleague Evelyn Cookson and a stranger hoisted Tammy to her feet and helped her into a waiting ambulance .
25 Josh sprang up and helped her into a chair .
26 One of the assistants took Ruth into a fitting-room and helped her into the dress , then stood back to admire the effect .
27 He threw the luggage into the boot of her hired car and helped her into the front seat .
28 After a searching glance at her , he led the way out and helped her into the Land Rover .
29 When the fish are placed in the breeding tank courtship will normally start within minutes , the male displaying to the female and driving her into the floating mops .
30 She had thought then he would bring her into the shop , as he had herself , and trained her into the business , not only the confectionery and tobacconists , but the little factory across the yard where they made most of their boiled sweets and toffee .
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