Example sentences of "and [verb] her [adv prt] into " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Come on , ’ he turned her neatly and propelled her back into the living room .
2 He looked momentarily surprised and then , after throwing Luke a somewhat triumphant look , he smiled and took her by the hand , and led her through into the living-room .
3 ‘ That 's him , then , all gone , ’ Gloria said , before a nurse came scurrying out through the doors , took her by the arm and led her back into the ward .
4 He signalled to the waiter that he had put two twenty-peseta notes on the table , and led her out into the afternoon sun .
5 Harry grabbed her hand and jerked her back into his arms .
6 Two arms caught her and drew her down into warmth and security as she continued to cry into the comfort of her husband 's chest .
7 He reached down and bundled her up into his arms , trying to drown the feeble cries of pain that she uttered , reassuring her that everything would be all right .
8 She tried to push past him , to get to the door , but he caught hold of her arm , spun her round and bundled her back into the lounge .
9 She pulled the cold embroidered spaces of satin kimono closer to her and pressed her back into the wire of the fender before she drew the basket , full of wounded dog , nearer to herself and to the heat — the little bitch trembled amongst all her luxuries .
10 He settled one hand on each side of her hips and pulled her back into the V of his legs .
11 Instead of shaking it , however , he grabbed it and pulled her out into the street .
12 Panic-stricken , she tried to pull her arm out of his , but her companion ignored her struggles , saying , ‘ Come on , ducks , no need to bovver ourselves with supper ; let's ‘ ave our bit of fun first , ’ and pulled her along into the alley where Dr Neil had found her .
13 On shore , she rubs her down with the exotically striped blanket , waits until she stirs again , and helps her back into the clothes .
14 As they joined the other dancers , he caught her hand in his and whirled her round into his arms , smiling at the astonishment on her features .
15 Her mummy , drawn by the noise , ran out of the tent , and seeing what had happened put her arms round her to comfort her and took her back into the tent .
16 One of the cats came to meet her in the wood and accompanied her back into the house .
17 ‘ Then they said they would need the cubicle and wheeled her out into the corridor opposite a phone . ’
18 He took Anne 's arm and dragged her out into the hallway , towards the stairs .
19 When there came , in the distance , the sound of another bell ringing , the girl from the next cubicle actually came in and tugged her out into the room , whispering , ‘ You 've got to line up ! ’
20 It is seven years since , at Zurich , I appealed to France to take Germany by the hand and lead her back into the European family . ’
21 He was upon her in two strides and swept her up into his arms .
22 He stepped over the recumbent body on the floor and swept her up into his arms , crushing her against his chest as his lips came down hard on hers .
23 Then he dropped her hand , and swept her back into his arms , nestling his face in the glowing tresses about her head .
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