Example sentences of "and [verb] them for a " in BNC.

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1 When will the right hon. Gentleman give that consistency and leadership to the police and back them for a change ?
2 I pulled down my damp bloomers and changed them for a warm , dry pair that were hanging on the line over the fire .
3 ‘ Where the occupier of premises agrees for reward that a person shall have the right to enter and use them for a mutually contemplated purpose , the contract between the parties ( unless it provides to the contrary ) contains an implied warranty that the premises are as safe for that purpose as reasonable care and skill on the part of anyone can make them . ’
4 Or , it would build 21 district hospitals and run them for a year .
5 ‘ You know the heat is off , Ruth , ’ he told her , his eyes catching hers and holding them for a few seconds .
6 The attendants folded the clothes and exchanged them for a token , before placing them upon tiers of racks .
7 I stood and watched them for a while , training my binoculars on them and seeming , now and again in the shifting images of light , to discern structures around them .
8 One day in April , Horsley , Walsh and Everett spent the morning in Manchester meeting the Co-op insurance company and asking them for a £750,000 investment , before rushing straight round to the Council Economic Development Committee to pitch for another £500,000 .
9 I then used a fingertip roughly to blend and spread them for a hazier and more subtle finish .
10 He multiplied the clones in the glasshouse and screened them for a variety of characters ( Fig. 16.3 ) .
11 Mr Wilbraham , together with one of the Tace managers Don Hammond ( managing director , components ) , and James Carr ( now finance director ) stepped in and acquired them for a consideration of £4m .
12 Having laid the groundwork of his interest , the politician had to be ready when election time rolled around again , and at that point an incumbent who could re-apply to constituents whom he had frequent occasion to meet , and ask them for a continuation of their friendship , without suggesting for a moment that any of them had a duty to support him in recognition of an implied bargain for past favours , was in a far stronger position than a man whose only contacts with his constituents took the form of patronage letters .
13 Erm you can phone them up and ask them for a Yellow Pages listing and they and they 'll give at random a listing from the Yellow Pages in whatever area you ask for .
14 Put the containers in a warm place and leave them for a week .
15 ( iii ) After incubation in complement , transfer the embryos to fresh M2 + BSA and leave them for a further 20–30 min at 37 C during which time the outer cells should be seen to bleb and lyse .
16 If this is also true of toddler diarrhoea then it might Be better , in the long run , to identify the offending foods and avoid them for a while .
17 It 's just a matter of hoarding the tokens as you go along and exchanging them for a discount on your Enterprise 89/90 holiday .
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