Example sentences of "and [verb] also [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 According to the Department of Industry Intermagnetics was offered £400 000 as a discretionary grant and has also received £100000 in training grants from the European social fund .
2 Meanwhile , the government has squeezed unemployment benefits in comparison with wages , and has also made benefits harder to get ; so the jobless have to hunt harder for work .
3 Simon has now cut right down on the amount of time he spend playing and has also undergone treatment from his doctor .
4 This is not a new disclosure , but Summers has uncovered more evidence that has previously be revealed for Hoover 's long relationship with his sidekick Clyde Tolson , and has also unearthed stories of orgies and transvestism .
5 But , not everyone has thousands of pounds to spend on a studio set up and Freeman has addressed this point and also detailed the necessary design and items for the temporary home studio and has also included sections on portable studios .
6 IRS-1B is the successor to IRS-1A , launched in 1988 , which has mapped all of India for groundwater potential and has also produced soil , land-use and forest maps .
7 This eliminates confusion , allows initiative to flourish , and has also delivered training benefits , particularly with starters . ’
8 Geac Computer Corp Ltd , Toronto completed its previously announced purchase of Concord Management Systems Inc of Florida , one of North America 's biggest developers of software for construction firms , and has also bought Mentat Computer Systems Pty Ltd whose systems are installed in more than 60 firms in Australia and New Zealand ; the acquisitions cost the equivalent of $4m and add some $10m annual sales .
9 The college has produced a dictionary of fashion terms in four languages , and has also established links with a fashion college in Germany in order to swap ideas and practices .
10 Angela is on the furniture-vetting committee of almost every fair they take part in , and has also won awards for the Best Dressed Stand at both the June and October Olympia fairs .
11 Henry Sykes and VAG also have clawback clauses in their relocation policies .
12 Political and church groups and sports- and businesspeople also launched campaigns to express solidarity with foreigners and opposition to violence .
13 Trichlorethylene and tetrachlorethylene used in dry cleaning and degreasing also pose threats to health , especially through contamination of groundwater , and have been detected in tapwater .
14 Magharba and Majabr also made contracts ( al-thalth , al-nusf ) , again confined mostly to members of their own groups .
15 This ‘ technological ’ view of education and teaching also prevents teachers from deliberately gravitating to schools whose ideology they like , and in which they will feel comfortable .
16 Bankers Trust and Citicorp also took advantage of the Delaware law .
17 He declined to take the Home Secretary 's advice to close down the Daily Herald , and declined also to allow Churchill to take over the BBC .
18 Ownership and control also crossed frontiers .
19 Sovereign Holidays and Transair also organise flights and accommodation .
20 At the end of November guerrillas renewed their attacks on the wealthy suburbs of Escalón and San Benito and fighting also took place on the flanks of the San Salvador and Guazapa volcanos outside the capital .
21 It appeared that Jarrad , in which the pursuers ( plaintiffs ) were minority shareholders , had granted a security in favour of a creditor of Jesner & Sons Ltd and had also made interest free loans to Jesner in which all of the parties were shareholders .
22 Geoffrey had a fine company of knights with him at Limoges and had also mustered mercenaries in Brittany with orders to attack Poitou from the north-west .
23 Vogel had negotiated the release of over 34,000 prisoners whose freedom was bought by West Germany , had arranged for some 250,000 people to leave East Germany and had also arranged spy swaps .
24 In his choice of contributor Lehmann was able to draw upon his wide-ranging contacts , for he had lived for a period in Vienna and had also travelled Europe in search of material .
25 She had collected fresh bread on the way through the little villages and had also bought fruit and vegetables .
26 On Nov. 7 it was widely reported that Nigerian Alpha jets had bombed NPFL positions in the Monrovia suburbs of Gardnersville , Mount Barclay and Stockton Creek the previous day , and had also attacked areas close to the rebel headquarters at Gbarnga , 160 km north of Monrovia on Nov. 5 .
27 Rattan and coworkers have investigated the role of NO in neurogenic relaxation f the internal anal sphincter in the opossum in vitro and have also assessed involvement of NO in the rectonal inhibitory reflex in the same animal in vivo .
28 We are in close contact with other anti-war umbrella groups and have also made links with the Campaign Against Repression and for Democracy in Iraq ( CARDRI ) , the General Union of Palestinian Women , and Greenham women .
29 A reduction of at least 30% in child mortality due to diarrhoeal diseases has now been found by all trials that have found a significant effect on overall mortality and have also examined causes of death .
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