Example sentences of "and [verb] my [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What upsets and angers my hon. Friends is that the Department of Energy is praying in aid the proposed European Community directive on working time as a justification for that change .
2 My only support at the time came from a Nigerian girl and a Ugandan Asian girl who were also in my class and shared my deep sense of alienation from our environment .
3 I would warn the House , and repeat my earlier point , that Mr. Beck had qualifications .
4 I knew I should throw her to the patrol and make my own getaway , but she appealed to the chink in my armour .
5 I did n't advertise for a partner but I went to the single 's and divorcee club and met my second husband and its magic the second time around .
6 My God , I 'd even told my grandfather that I was coming home — and bringing my future bride . ’
7 After qualifying in medicine and completing my house-officer training , I was employed as a research assistant in a university department of medicine investigating various aspects of lead poisoning .
8 Having done my first sound broadcast in the Forties and made my first television appearance in 1952 , I can remember when Lord Reith 's belief that broadcasting 's prime function was to inform , to entertain and give all sides a chance to state their case , still reigned .
9 I went to them all and watched and listened and made my own judgements .
10 Given my concentration so far on the possession/separation issue , and its relation to the circulation process , and given my earlier insistence that economic class relations at the level of possession/separation can not be conceived as the underlying ‘ essence ’ of social and political collectivities and movements , which demand analysis in their own right , I am not yet in a position to draw full ‘ political conclusions ’ ( the following chapters will take us some way further in this direction ) .
11 I do this , and reel my other rod in so that if the carp does give one another chance there will be no other line to get in the way of my landing it .
12 Then I splashed out and got my first Alembic — cost me £890 in 1980 , serious cash .
13 ‘ I struggled and twisted and got my right hand free .
14 Erm I must say that on the clothing scene , because I did criticize it in my earlier statements , er that when I was so young I thought it was so frumpy and I was so pleased when I was married and got my own income that , you know , I could go elsewhere and choose something .
15 I kick at a flint , hard , missing and catching my other ankle .
16 ‘ Going out there on a new board and catching my first wave when I had n't surfed Pipeline for a year only reaffirms my confidence . ’
17 It finally bit me , twisting its neck more than I would have thought possible and catching my right index finger right on the knuckle .
18 The chapters that follow seek to outline the ways in which I have pursued and developed my own management skills , and the lessons that I have learnt on the way .
19 I recently travelled on the Kent rail service and visited my hon. Friend 's constituency with him .
20 I would like to thank you all for your continued hard work and commitment and send my best wishes to you and your families .
21 I took another long drag at the Capstan , and inspected my trembling hand .
22 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
23 ‘ And behind the house — I call it the Castle — I keep animals , and grow my own vegetables .
24 My father claims that he cut the animal open and found my tiny genitals in its stomach , but I never did get him to tell me what he did with them .
25 I could n't lie still , and found my oblivious companions both irritating and enviable .
26 Well we were gon na go to the pub and celebrate my three year anniversary of suffering this department .
27 Then I had to go back and bury my two pets and comfort Annie and Jack .
28 Janice said suddenly , throwing herself at me and enveloping my upper torso in a hug that would have done credit to a grizzly .
29 I encountered the reality of a penitential pilgrimage the moment I woke and levered my stiff limbs off the hard school-room floor where we slept last night , and winced as my blister contacted the floor .
30 His main purpose in all his studies became , as he says , that of ‘ informing and reforming my own Soul ’ .
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