Example sentences of "and [verb] his [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He sat down and beamed his good eye at the shine on his toecap .
2 I always admired him for his tenacity of purpose and dedication — and envied his super brain-power .
3 ‘ I suppose so , ’ clearly weighing up the chances of Auguste 's swimming underwater to the women 's bathing machine section and drowning his beloved daughter .
4 On one occasion when Reagan , at short notice , addressed an audience of between three and four thousand teachers As a GE spokesman Reagan had the opportunity to hone his oratorical skills , and develop his political ideas .
5 Jenkins was close to Gaitskell , and shared his bitter disappointment in 1959 .
6 He had sat and formulated his final speech to the Academy .
7 In Rhodri 's cast-off clothes and worn shoes he looked like a penurious wandering scrivener of sixty ; in truth he was barely forty , and had been a tall , strong man of his hands once , and would be as good again after a month of eating regularly , and nursing his frayed body and broken and blistered feet .
8 ‘ Svend was watching television and nursing his broken heart , trying to work out how he could go back home without losing face , when he was forced to realise the amount of trouble and disruption he and his erstwhile girlfriend had caused on all fronts ! ’
9 For two days now he had sat in Isobel 's garage during most of school hours and planned his new book .
10 The cold wind scoured Charles 's face and whipped his sodden trousers against his legs .
11 I distance myself from the position and the policy of the President and advocate his immediate resignation [ and ] the handing over of power to a collective body , the Federation Council . "
12 No sane malefactor would want to settle and conduct his predatory business in territory controlled by so active and powerful a magnate as Robert Beaumont , earl of Leicester .
13 But ships are too valuable to lie idle for very long , and Robert barely had a month in which to re-acquaint himself with his new wife and pat his young infants on the head before he was leaving John Street and Stepney again — through Limehouse into Poplar and aboard the Orynthia in West India Dock .
14 Morse turned , and laid his right hand lightly on her shoulder .
15 The head of the delegation was Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar ( later Lord Inchyra ) , who was impressed by Hayman 's abilities and recommended his permanent transfer to overseas service .
16 Mister Johnny laughed and clapped his little hands together .
17 Conscious of the fact that his palms were sweating even more markedly than usual , Pogo hurriedly pulled on his white gloves and led his impatient partner on to the floor .
18 In his third camp , Eichstatt , in spite of the crowded and stressful conditions , he managed with the help of the Red Cross and some accountant brother-officers to study for and sit his final accountancy examinations while actively preparing for his escape .
19 Detective Sergeant Joseph Bragg pushed away his plate , and wiped his ragged moustache .
20 At last he finished , gave a loud belch and wiped his greasy fingers and mouth on the hem of his ermine-lined cloak .
21 So they returned each to his own country , blessing him for their deliverance , and magnifying his great bounty ; and forthwith they sent him tribute and acknowledged themselves to be his vassals .
22 However , he later recognised John Baskerville 's genius and became his enthusiastic supporter .
23 He had never been in hospital before and consulted his General Practitioner infrequently .
24 Terror had dried and paralysed his vocal chords .
25 The sea is a jeweller and cutter of gems who daily draws back the green felt covers and displays his precious work and then jealously hides them again with the green covers of the waves .
26 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
27 The others watched him cross the road and make his unsteady way down York Street .
28 The 68-year-old Merseysideborn councillor arrived in Teesside in 1947 and met his Middlesbrough-born wife , Lillian , whilst serving in the Royal Navy .
29 She touched his arm gently and met his puzzled eyes .
30 Rodin was a skilful salesman of his work , making careful use of photography in establishing and maintaining his good name .
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