Example sentences of "and [verb] i with [art] " in BNC.

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1 One of my colleagues , no doubt swayed by the heat of the discussion , turned on me sitting in my short-sleeved uniform shirt , and rebuked me with the warning that ‘ in my force , you 'd be disciplined for mutilating police property …
2 I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake .
3 She recalled his saying , ‘ I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake . ’
4 ‘ Next ! ’ she plainsonged and fixed me with an old-fashioned look from behind her lorgnette .
5 The work ranged from small debt collection to very large acquisitions and disposals for the four main divisions of the company , and provided me with a great variety of work which was predominantly commercial .
6 Before she gets into the car , she turns around and thanks me with a squeeze of her hand .
7 Greg is lying on one of the Palace 's luxuriant couches , gesticulating wildly and fixing me with a stare that is part ultimate artistic earnestness and part repressed pathological violence .
8 The Chief Engineer , was on the dawn watch and shook me with a cup of tea at daybreak saying , " Hey Ron , I think that boat we wanted has just passed on her way into Poole . "
9 She fixed her star-like eyes upon my face and startled me with the question , ‘ When are you going to meet me underneath the trees ? ’
10 When we returned the traffic warden was waiting and launched into a tirade of abuse and threatened me with a ticket for all my disabled badge was displayed .
11 Then the hairdresser , saying ‘ Now I 'll keep the hair out of your eyes ’ , gave John ‘ what he called a ‘ natural water wave ’ and stuck me with a net and brown cotton wool in my ears under the dryer .
12 No doubt can exist of his Anglophilia , yet he now says that when he heard McQueen tell the story of the ‘ 45 , ‘ I could not refrain from tears , ’ and qualifies his response by discussing a set of feelings not a million miles from sentimentality ; ‘ The very Highland names , or the sound of a bagpipe , will stir my blood , and fill me with a mixture of melancholy and respect for courage ; with pity for an unfortunate and superstitious regard for antiquity , and thoughtless inclination for war ; in short , with a crowd of sensations with which sober rationality has nothing to do . ’
13 Then you follow me and hit me with a driver and drop away quickly because I 'm going to hit it so fast he wo n't know where the ball is until it 's down the fairway . ’
14 He 'd just about made it by the time Private Boyd had strapped my gun belt on and issued me with a plastic face visor which fitted with adjustable straps at the back .
15 Mrs Carol Rushton , superintendent physiotherapist has returned form the above and presented me with a report on the course .
16 Several of the backstage staff , including Annie and Jennifer , had bought a space in the Chassidic Hospital in Jerusalem in my Dad 's name and presented me with the certificate .
17 I paid off his debts , but unfortunately for you , he insisted that he 'd pay me back someday and left me with a considerable number of IOUs .
18 ‘ She changed that overnight and left me with a broken heart — I will never be the same again .
19 I got on my bike and went back to the house a bit recklessly , shooting through puddles on the path and taking the Jump — a bit on the path where there 's a long downhill on a dune and then a short uphill where it 's easy to leave the ground — at a good forty kilometres per hour , landing with a muddy thump that nearly had me in the whin bushes and left me with a very sore bum , making me want to keep opening my mouth with the feeling of it .
20 One day he took me aside and left me with the designer , a nervous girl who always wore black .
21 She got what she wanted and left me with the rough end of the stick … .
22 Come and help me with the crisps .
23 Come and help me with the stones in the kitchen .
24 Nigel had arranged that his son-in-law ( his daughter Caroline 's husband ) , who was living and working in Denmark , and his nephew James from California would come over and help me with the move .
25 Frankly , he 's a pain in the arse , but Martinez pays me a handsome amount of money and provides me with a very flashy car , which impresses the likes of young Lindy over there , so who am I to argue ? ’
26 They were kicking me and hitting me with a big bar .
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