Example sentences of "and [verb] to [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 My senior staff have already addressed a meeting of Citizens Advice representatives in Edinburgh and explained to them the Council Tax legislation .
2 There is only what from our side is neither predictable nor controllable — the coming of the Word from beyond which opens and displays to us the overwhelming advent of God as he makes himself known in the ‘ eternal moment ’ .
3 Place three cups on a table , one upwards and two downwards , and say to everyone the game is to turn over two cups at once so that cups the right way up are turned upside down and vice versa .
4 Please confirm your acceptance of this post by signing and returning to me the docketed copy of this letter .
5 Please confirm that the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy of this letter .
6 This will be achieved by including in the offer letter a clause similar to that set out below : Please confirm your acceptance of the above offer by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy of this letter within the next seven days .
7 I could try and describe to you the expression in my eyes at this moment ; but they are far too discoloured with rage .
8 The campaign to achieve a healthy teeange nation calls on more guidance for teachers and parents to recognise the trouble signs and listen to what the teenagers say .
9 That God will give me a clear vision for the future and reveal to me the next step after DTS .
10 Unfortunately , in 7 BC this neat arrangement was interfered with in order to honour Augustus by renaming the month Sextilis after him ( he believed that it was his lucky month ) and assigning to it the same number of days as the preceding month that had been renamed after his murdered great-uncle by Mark Antony .
11 Before they left I could not forbear to draw Gillian closer and impart to her the glittering counsel that wearing 501s with trainers was frankly un désastre and that I was amazed she had walked the streets to my apartment in broad daylight and escaped pillory .
12 Because — no harm in saying it once again — this is the essence of the private-eye novel : that its hero actively goes out and grabs to himself the facts that he needs .
13 Federal Treasurer Paul Keating retained his post and added to it the title of Deputy Prime Minister , thereby increasing speculation that he would succeed Hawke as Prime Minister [ see above ] .
14 Put it together with the talk after the first battle , and add to it the understanding of the ark as the throne of God , as the visible guarantee of God 's presence with his people , the symbol of his covenant relationship with them , as their wedding ring , we might say , and you have then something to explain the consternation of Eli and the wife of Phinehas .
15 We believe that the right way to deal with that offence is to build on the offence under the Theft Act 1968 — the taking and driving away — and add to it the aggravated offence covered in clause 1 .
16 This fascinating display holds , and reveals to you the vital spirit which eventually triumphed in 1945 .
17 Noting that " Europe has entered a new , promising era " , the declaration stated that " as a consequence this Alliance must and will adapt " and must " reach out to the countries of the East which were our adversaries in the Cold War and extend to them the hand of friendship " .
18 It was to hound and hasten Leonard 's waking thoughts , eliminate any residual interest he may have possessed in mere intellectual commitment , and open to him the stark reality of life downtown .
19 Mr Beckenham looked down upon him from his superior height and handed to him the lady 's portmanteau .
20 I wonder if you would be good enough to sign and return to me the attached letters of intent , in your capacity of Assistant Managing Director of the Division ?
21 Satisfied that all is well , DOS will start the program called PRINT , and pass to it the rest of the command you typed ( which is the name of the file you want to print — PENGUIN.TXT ) .
22 While the organism remains filled with the life force , it can counter the disintegration and decay to which the non-living world is subject .
23 Pollution and the removal of riverside hedges have played their part ; but above all , dredging and drainage have ironed out the varied bed conditions of gravel and silt to which the larvae of these and many other insects were so minutely adapted .
24 And so I was extremely surprised when no more than weeks later Émile telephoned Jean-Claude and proposed to him the idea that he should take up an appointment as composer-in-residence at an American university .
25 Worst of all , seamen rapidly came to the conclusion that the service and suffering to which the union had committed them in the name of Britain and the Empire did not extend to the shipowners , and especially not to those who were fortunate enough to escape requisitioning of their vessels by the government .
26 I imagine that many honest people would sympathise with Weatherhead and happily echo his final paragraph : ‘ All this gives me as much as I need , and seems to me the essential credo of Christianity .
27 It means making the development of collaboration a priority , and giving to it the same careful thought and planning as is given to other areas of children 's development .
28 They described him as the " enemy of all chastity " and ascribed to him the intention of founding an abbey of prostitutes in which the offices of abbess , prioress and so on would be distributed according to the professional skill of the inmates .
29 The flute faltered , the flute player stepped aside and indicated to her the place between himself and the hollow-cheeked man with the guitar .
30 It was pleasant to stroll around on an evening such as this , thinking productively about the work which would make his name ( and his fortune ) and restore to him the sense of achievement he had so greatly enjoyed as an undergraduate journalist and Union wit .
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