Example sentences of "and [verb] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The greatest challenge is public education in order to reduce fear and to promote a better understanding of the aims of services .
2 Operation Torch — the American invasion of French North Africa in November 1942 — was the culmination of Allied attempts to exclude de Gaulle and to promote a viable alternative to Gaullism .
3 To raise awareness , understanding and esteem of the profession and to promote a positive image .
4 It represented a conscious effort to offset colonial influences and to promote a national culture which would reflect the new nation .
5 I sniffed it and whispered an obscene word to it , then I put on my coat and overshoes and walked out of the hotel .
6 Then he allows for the effects of a ‘ propagation mechanism ’ ( see section 5.1(a) ) by adding the lagged value of to equation ( 6.2 ) and attaching a positive coefficient to it , giving :
7 she then ‘ picks up ’ the open stitches ( a fine circular needle is wonderful for this ) , returns these stitches to the machine and knits a new rib ( going downwards ) or whatever is required .
8 Nevertheless , visiting the Company was an important occasion in Mary O'Dell 's calendar ; when her husband was the landlord , she always fussed over him beforehand , ironing his best shirt , starching the collar , sponging his blue serge suit and tucking a clean handkerchief into his top pocket .
9 Might any fear that disabled employment opportunities would collapse if the prop of the statutory quota were to be removed be assuaged by placing a statutory obligation upon employers to adopt and to implement an affirmative action plan ?
10 Its brief would be to devise , offer and supervise a comprehensive course devoted to the training of church musicians in all aspects of their craft .
11 Women wishing to return to work after maternity leave can telephone an agency which will vet , recruit and supervise a local childminder , and provide back-up cover if the main carer is ill .
12 They are also extremely vocal , calling and bellowing a good deal of the time .
13 Attempts to reconcile these two decisions have expanded human ingenuity and expended an unconscionable amount of time , effort and paper .
14 It concerns an executive who passed a mental hospital on his way to work and stopped occasionally to watch an inmate going through the motions of winding up and pitching an imaginary ball .
15 Sometimes , Henry thought , it would be kindness itself to rise one night between three and four when the suburb slept and drag a sharp stone across the Mitsubishi 's flanks .
16 During the 1930s the world had seen considerable political and military changes , already the dictators of Europe were making territorial gains , and the Japanese also had designs on mainland Asia , invading Manchuria and waging a savage war on China .
17 If you want to tone up your body and develop a better shape there is no doubt that swimming , keep-fit exercises and yoga will help enormously .
18 And so , when faced with something he or she feels unsure about , they seek security from the more confident ( and usually more dominant ) dog , which has been allowed to learn independence and develop a one-to-one relationship with the owner .
19 A major part of the Conservative agenda has been to undermine socialism and develop a contemporary form of laissez-faire market economics , to move Britain from a culture of dependency to the enterprise culture .
20 Even if the primary focus is the needs of an older person , the counsellor can not afford to ‘ take sides ’ , but should instead aim to help the whole family face up to and develop a wider understanding of the problems and difficulties that exist in old age , and in caring for older people .
21 Although there was a great deal of debate about education after 1944 , much of it up to 1951 focused on the eradication of class differences , not gender differences , in an endeavour to build a more buoyant economy and develop a substantial welfare state .
22 The third pressure comes from the push by Meekatharra Minerals to exploit the very rich deposits of lignite in Ballymoney and develop a private sector power station .
23 In order to bring about sustained growth , the Government will have to reverse the cuts that they have made in the training budget and develop a long-term programme to increase the quantity and quality of skills throughout British industry .
24 Ramsay was shrewd enough to capitalise on his native gifts and develop a new style .
25 Speaking at the Institute of Strategic Studies in London , he suggested that the 12 EC member countries should make a mutual defence pledge ( as in the Brussels Treaty of the Western European Union — WEU — comprising all EC members except Denmark , Greece and Ireland ) and develop a common policy on weapons research and production .
26 Secondly , their underrating of the ‘ caesaristic ’ elements of Hitler 's mass charismatic base meant that , far from providing a new foundation for the power of the traditional élites , as they had hoped , the plebiscitary acclamation of the Führer enabled Hitler 's own power to detach itself from its likely shackles and develop a high degree of relative autonomy , at the same time reducing former dominant groups like the army from ‘ power-élites ’ proper to merely ‘ functional élites ’ , unable to check Hitler himself and the ‘ wild men ’ of the Nazi Movement , even when wishing to do so .
27 For these and other linguistic and cultural reasons it is relatively easy for the speaker of one Bantu language to learn another and develop a high level of competence in it .
28 For instance , Diggle et al. ( 1990 ) assess the hypothesis that cancer of the larynx is associated with proximity to a now-closed incinerator and develop a statistical model from the theory of spatial point processes to test this .
29 ‘ British Gas asked for a wide-ranging review in order to clarify our regulatory environment and develop a clear way ahead for the future .
30 And develop a persuasive argument .
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