Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv prt] for [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 And look out for Tesco 's delectable Chocolate and Toffee Assortment which includes Orange Creme , Coconut Dessert , Chocolate Caramel and Macaroon .
2 ‘ I 'm sorry if it did n't provide a job for you , ’ he said , relieved , and looked round for Amanda , who had used the surface tension of the moment to walk away .
3 In obvious good humour , she was commiserated with , patted on the back , thanked by the little girl 's father , offered half the prize money , which she refused , and looked around for Feargal .
4 In the language they aggrandised their past , they made their history legend , they cherished themselves — as minorities always have done : the Jews , the American blacks , the Basques , the Sikhs — and looked out for Redeemers , Messiahs or , in the case of the Welsh , Heroes .
5 Letting the water buoy up my weight I stretched my feet down to touch bottom and found the water came up to my ears ; took a deep breath , put the rest of my head under and reached around for Harry , unable to see him , unable with open eyes to see anything at all .
6 Similarly we asked the panel to rate the four party leaders , Thatcher , Kinnock , Steel , and Owen , on twelve more personal scales : being decisive , trustworthy , energetic , willing to listen , well informed , caring , a good leader of a team , tough , likeable , and standing up for Britain ‘ s interests against the European Community , the USA , and the USSR .
7 In pursuit of these , Mopsus proposes marriage to a fine lady and is beaten by her servants ; he steals his father 's rent money and sets out for London where he is robbed by a prostitute and thrown into gaol ; his father sends more money which he uses to bribe the gaoler ; he is tricked into marrying an aristocrat 's mistress who promptly gives birth ; the woman leaves and the baby dies ; the prodigal returns to his father .
8 There was time only to grab a piece of burnt toast before jumping into her car and setting off for London .
9 So it was that with high spirits I packed Baedekers and prejudices , boots and a bootload of assumptions and set out for Dover .
10 Now financially secure , he and Emma married and set out for France , their first holiday abroad .
11 Undaunted , the Carlist militias — the Requetés — formed into columns and set out for Madrid , some 500 kilometres to the south , in buses , in trucks and on foot .
12 At precisely the stroke of six the mighty Leviathan Class locomotive , gushing steam and panting dramatically , left King 's Cross Station behind and set off for Scotland .
13 This Act of 1806 may well have given young Ben the final push he needed : in that or the following year he packed his bags for good , waved his loving sisters a fond farewell , and set off for London , fame and fortune .
14 The next Friday they load up the bus and set off for Oxford .
15 An hour later , she climbed into her Panda and set off for Oxford .
16 On April 18 , 1943 at 0700hrs Yamamoto climbed aboard a Mitsubishi G4M Betty bomber and set off for Bougainville , his formation was accompanied by another Betty and six Zeros .
17 I at once applied for leave , which was granted , and set off for Edinburgh on the overnight train .
18 Then they have five days to sell the dog , make arrangements for the wife and kids and set off for Moscow 's Star City , ’ he said .
19 We rose at five , ate and set off for Alpamayo Chico which , though relatively low at 5.330m , was reached by a simple but striking route up its north ridge .
20 We met at the youth centre in Chelmsford , checked that everybody had passports , E111 's ( health forms for the European Community ) and luggage and set off for Ramsgate .
21 He went there to Dalby Forest one day in the afternoon loaded them all up and set off for Wales .
22 He got his brother to look after the bar for an hour or so , bundled Maidstone into a taxi driven by a friend of his and set off for Maidstone 's apartment in the Vomero .
23 Leaving strict instructions to Joanne to stay there at all costs and to both of them under no account to let anyone in , he hurried to the Cortina and set off for Fleet Street .
24 Five days later Edward I appointed his son regent and set off for Flanders .
25 It was at this point , while we were stumbling about , not really knowing what to say with so many other people present , that Eric suggested we should borrow a driver and jeep from the ASC — this boy was the biggest borrower of jeeps I had ever met — and set off for Fontanellato , where we could all be reunited : my parents , the Merlis , the Superiora and the suore at the hospital , and as many of the other people who had helped him as possible , including Dr Sambataro , of whom there had been no news since he joined the partisans .
26 ‘ Wo n't folk be saying it 's us , not Allan Lamb , who are bringing the game into disrepute by acting out a lie and covering up for Pakistan 's bowlers ?
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