Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv prt] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We advise our composers , helping to sift out the bad songs and to search out opportunities for our writers to compose ‘ covers ’ for particular artists .
2 These reports sent them bustling off to organize air tickets to the head of the Gulf , designating it Persian or Arabian according to the nationality of the airline or the destination selected , to check out the situation and track down flesh with which to clothe the bare bones .
3 The team , as usual lacking expertise in the particular field , agreed , and laid down criteria for positive discrimination to fight back .
4 He was forced to withdraw his dissolution , though only after more than two years of controversy , during which time the Council had gone about its business and drafted a number of decrees that restrained the power of the papacy , and laid down reforms throughout the Church .
5 The silence continued long , while Harry picked up and laid down tool after tool , smoothed a finger-nail along the chisels , hefted the mallets , turning and twisting like a caged animal with the fury of his longing and the rigidity of his pride .
6 But out of sight in the galley , she gripped the rail in front of the cooker to steady herself and choked back tears of rage and frustration .
7 We thank our union for their support , both morally and financially , and we shall continue to try and build up branches with your help throughout the U K.
8 These included promoting energy conservation and efficiency ; placing tighter controls on fossil fuel emissions ; and stepping up research into alternative energy sources .
9 Head tilted back , and firing out ideas like a machine-gun in his nasal North London voice , he had presented himself as a man with his finger on the modem business pulse .
10 In turn , these two characteristics permit hierarchy to meet four of any organization 's fundamental needs : to add real value to work as it moves through the organization , to identify and nail down accountability at each stage of the value-adding process , to place people with the necessary competence at each organizational layer , and to build a general consensus and acceptance of the managerial structure that achieves these ends .
11 We hope to finalize the fieldwork by the end of 1992 and to round up research by the middle of 1993 .
12 Sir Robert pledged that Walker would continue to operate as an autonomous business and ruled out closures in its network of distribution centres .
13 She still saw him , made a point of popping over to say hullo to Uncle Willi and sought out Georg in the dairy or the office .
14 On offer at the shop is a full design and make up service for cots , cribs , Moses baskets , bedding and curtains .
15 We used to build Lego together and make up stores about the fellows who lived in the Lego houses , and if Mike talked about me , people just thought he was making me up .
16 By the middle 1950 's most of my generation were settling down to carving out their careers and bringing up families after the unsettling effects of the war years during which they had experienced all they wanted of adventure and excitement .
17 It was as if his mind was digging down through the years and bringing up pictures of past events …
18 They began to look for more drink and the Junior showed his initiative by going up to the off-licence with the Porter and bringing back armfuls of the stuff .
19 Supplies of sea trout , known as sewin in Wales , are increasing and bringing down prices to around £5 lb .
20 She would drive to the nursery in the spring and pick up boxes of spring flowers , pansies , violets , crocuses , iris , lilies of the valley , daffodils , and jonquil , and set them lovingly in the damp sweet-sour earth .
21 Raymond Spurrier continues his journey through the land of the reluctant vista to reassess the nature of landscape painting and pick up hints from Aboriginal art
22 Erm I 'll go through the consultation paper and pick out sort of paragraph by paragraph and any that we particular agree or disagree with .
23 Headaches are stupefying , benumbing and bring on confusion of mind .
24 No goodwill speeches , no glowing perorations about ‘ the patience of our people under misfortune ’ alter the plain fact that if people have to live and bear and bring up children in bad houses on too little food , their resistance to disease is lowered and they die before they should .
25 Before the First World War , the younger women of the village , of whom my mother was one , used to walk from Mavhinje to Štivan ( San Giovanni ) , near the coast , and bring back pots of water on their heads .
26 ‘ We used to go round the farms to collect the harness-work and bring back sets of harness for repair .
27 They were going to undo the spells that held together the vortex and bring back Chaos to the world .
28 The home of the Ba was the body in the tomb , but it was able to go out freely and bring back life to the body and thus preserve the deceased 's identity on earth .
29 And even if it went down , at least it would be a heroic failure — a genuine attempt to break the mould and bring back standards of quality and decency .
30 I 'm currently working out measures which can follow up on the policy statement and bring about changes in practice and law .
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