Example sentences of "and [verb] [vb pp] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 The theatre has still to fill the post of artistic director — indeed interviews have not yet begun — and Mr McKeown suggested the position might this time be taken by more than one person , and remain filled for some four or five years .
2 This has been studied in many parishes and has led to some changes of heart and attitudes .
3 It 's an important issue , and has led to some serious misunderstandings about the teaching of drama .
4 The beauty about Calera WordScan 1.1c is that it is easy to use , and has turned in some very good results while on test .
5 Having set forth the accepted Turkish tradition concerning the early Muftilik and having reviewed in some detail the lives of the first three Muftis , one may now pass on to a consideration in more general terms of the validity of the tradition and of such important problems as the reasons for the creation of the institution and the nature of the early Muftilik , problems which are either not dealt with at all by Turkish writers or are dealt with only in the vaguest terms .
6 They actually start to take responsibility for themselves and become empowered in some way .
7 In sum , then , one can say little more on the basis of the scanty information available than that Molla Yegan appears to have abandoned his official posts by at least 844/1440–1 ; to have returned from his journey to the Hijaz , in company with Molla Gurani , whom he presented at the Ottoman court , not earlier than alter the pilgrimage of 844/1441 but very possibly not much later ; if not to have continued to be a figure of some importance in the state until at least 857/1453 , to have re-emerged as such then , though without , apparently , holding any official post ; and to have died at some time alter that date , perhaps in 878/1473–4 .
8 I had been asked for a full text of the sermon , to be printed in the society minutes and had gone to some trouble to prepare for the occasion .
9 Her mother had reacted to the subject in a predictable way , and had expatiated at some length about the absurdity of taking a dress all the way to Paris and back for the sake of one evening 's amusement , but in the end she had consented to do something about it .
10 In 1959 Greece and Turkey had already drawn this conclusion , and had applied for some form of association with it .
11 Some of this fear he controlled , and had controlled for some time , by smoking the odd joint .
12 Yes my children do go to school now and have done for some months now .
13 Yes my children do go to school and have done for some months now .
14 We have also described at some length the structures and procedures for the administration of the project and its inservice outcomes , and have dwelt in some detail on the processes of the selection and monitoring of schools involved .
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