Example sentences of "and [verb] [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 Practically every device of the movies started as a special effect and became assimilated into the everyday language of film , just like metaphor in language .
2 Some bacteria , such as the one that causes syphilis , have flagellae ; and it seems likely that flagellae and cilia originated as parasitic bacteria which , instead of causing disease , remained and became incorporated into the cell as the relationship was mutually beneficial .
3 When made into handbags , the leather ceased to exist as separate goods and became absorbed into the handbags .
4 Willie was soon forgotten , and became mixed into the group again .
5 Customs expects companies to be able to satisfactorily explain why — and has incorporated into the Intrastat system an optional means of so doing .
6 Second , the Institute marks-to-market those same current asset investments , and has put into the Investing section ‘ Net profits on sales of current investments ’ and ‘ Increase in market value of current investments ’ .
7 ‘ It 's better than staying here , making a mistake , and getting sucked into the wall .
8 ‘ It was like a collective , you could either buy the porn through the mail , or you could send in a tape of yourself and get plugged into the apparatus that way , ’ explains David James , a film professor at the University of Southern California , who has researched the phenomenon .
9 Ever had a newspaper blow into your pool , which sinks to the pond floor and gets drawn into the bottom drain ?
10 The logical path intended to be a-d may also fail to generate a solution and become distorted into the path a-e-f , returning to the failure level of the catastrophe surface .
11 during the break , after we had done this segment of the film and had gone into the canteen for lunch , all the people who had been working on the film were whistling the song .
12 But despite this negative influence , the market 's leading indicator opened only 5 points lower and had swung into the black by mid-morning .
13 Cleveland Coroner Michael Sheffield said Mr Owens may have been startled by a car swerving to avoid him and had stepped into the path of the van .
14 He could not afford to make mistakes ; all his life he had been at pains to learn and understand how ordinary people live and had delved into the seamier side of human nature , but he was still very unworldly .
15 During the previous day a major naval battle had ensued a few miles to the east , and had continued into the night — the ‘ Battle of Matapan ’ ; a resounding defeat for the Italian Fleet .
16 The Policy and Resources Committee on Friday considered the position that included a take , a potential take of fifty thousand for this Committee , and similar reductions from other committees , but which left the funding deficit problem of six hundred and seventy one thousand , and what the Policies and Resources Committee decided was to ask the committees , all committees to look at how this six hundred and seventy one thousand gap would be funded , and that that should include committees like ourselves which had already identified and had put into the guidelines for reduction , the full five percent reduction that had been requested to be identified early in the process .
17 When we actually reached the reef , with calm water erupting into foaming waves twenty feet high as they hit the rocks , the Mantela bucked like a frightened horse , sank into a trough , reared up again , and then , as suddenly as it had started , the old tub was through the creamy foam of the passage and had settled into the lazy waters of the lagoon .
18 A mild uproar at the other end of the bar told me without looking that Bunny , the Mother Christmasses and the rest of the band had arrived and had walked into the middle of the darts match .
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