Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun pl] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The length of the delay will depend on the severity of the time and change effects the plant intensive nature of the work the inflexibility of the resource teams available the length of time between changes or delays arising , and the work being carried out .
2 Because he is constantly handling , tasting and eating fungi the spores tend to work their way into the shaman 's skin , penetrating his bloodstream and saturating his body .
3 Certainly it would n't be because staff sit around the lounge at night and make guests the butt of practical jokes . ’
4 It serves as a direct plug-in replacement for Advanced Micro 's PAL 16R8 , and most of its PAL 10H8 series , and offers designers the advantage of individually programmable outputs .
5 There is a need to up-end malestream approaches , to develop analyses which are sensitive to gender and accord women the dignity of a political life .
6 The transference which develops between the analyst and analysand aids the process by re-creating the early relationships between the individual and their parents , and enables the analyst first of all to see the projections of the analysand in this special setting .
7 Quite apart from any question of how polishing and scuffing influences the behaviour of the ball , is there any reason why any interference with its state should be allowed ?
8 Certainly in the Smolensk and Kursk gubernii the will was there from the outset to mould and to control .
9 It is necessary to-keep a small stock of gearboxes because there is some uncertainty about how many will be used on any day , and reordering subjects the firm to some delay .
10 This has been the case in libraries , where the Association of Assistant Librarians themselves came forward with policies they wanted to see implemented because they knew better than most how the arrangement of shelving , as well as the provision of good lighting , seating and magnifies influences the amount libraries are used .
11 In addition , during start-up and overload conditions the capacitors ( and their larger parallel damping capacitors , if fitted ) find themselves with the wrong DC bias , and charging occurs through potentially very low impedances .
12 Ironically , Gough 's rash challenge on Ferguson at Tannadice resulted in a booking which carries him over the disciplinary points threshold and costs Rangers the services of their captain when they visit Arbroath for the Scottish Cup , quarter-final tie on 6 March .
13 We seek to tackle this by programmes which support economic and social development , which improve education and health care and give parents the chance to have children by choice .
14 They have produced cars which look good and give motorists the reliability they want .
15 Please , in the absence of any further amendments , we now move back to the motion and give councillors the opportunity to debate the .
16 Such experiences vivify learning and give children the opportunity to talk and , through talk , to explore ideas .
17 By draining meres and felling trees the inhabitants of the north Shropshire parish of Myddle were able to clear at least 1,000 acres of land between the late fifteenth and the early seventeenth century .
18 While this complex of overcrowding and decay colours the lives of all who live in St Ann 's , it has a special significance for those who are in poverty as well .
19 Can compare and measure angles The results in Chapter 4 ( pp 41–102 ) indicated that " compare " and " measure " have distinctive difficulty factors .
20 The final section , ‘ Projections ’ , has been lengthened to cover the newest applications of computer technology , and to give students the opportunity for extensive reading .
21 The new categories are intended to complement , not supersede the councils , and to give participants the chance to influence future X/Open specifications .
22 At the same time there was a recognition that despite the horrors of mothers-in-law and squalling children the family was an essential bulwark for survival , against the vagaries of the economy and the all too likely threat of the ( sexually segregated ) workhouse in poverty or old age .
23 In the same way , key performance indicators set up for each function are reviewed quarterly against its business plan with relevant managers ‘ but it 's not a dull , dry event : it 's when everybody pulls together , discussing everything that 's happening in great depth and giving managers the opportunity to explain to directors why they 're falling short , the constraints and obstacles , and so achieving agreement with the figures and the indicators used , ’ he said .
24 Energy Management Consultancy — operated by Resource Conservation in association with Sani-Duct Installations Limited and Burke Ford Reed Limited ( insurance Brokers ) and giving members the opportunity to take advantage of discounted consultancy rates .
25 No longer do we take it for granted as meaning that we get a job in a company , or an industry , with the hope and intention of learning new skills , gaining experience and becoming part of an enterprise , in turn passing on skills and giving others the benefit of our experience .
26 The law against sex discrimination was strengthened by the Sex Discrimination Act of 1986 which removed the restrictions on the hours women could work , allowing both night work and shift work , and gave women the right to work until the same age as their male colleagues .
27 ‘ The ones that can read and write gits the paint , that it ? ’
28 For example while Denmark had saved 30% and France 25% of energy in the industrial and housing sectors the UK had managed only 17% .
29 It allows for the development of skills appropriate to each study area and gives teachers the opportunity to explore the specific approaches which are appropriate to particular subject disciplines .
30 This extends across all five years and gives students the opportunity to handle animals from the start of the course .
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